This forum is great. I read it a lot. Thank you for maintaining it. I hate that others are going through this, but I'm so relieved to know I'm not the only one. It's not a condition that is easy (or even possible) to discuss as you might something else.
This current fissure I've had since 2020. Been through all the usual non invasive - GTN (ok initially but limited use now), Diltiazem (rash!!!), marcogol and good diet (keeping BM managable but no fix and can be very hard to get balance right), sitz baths (minor relief and easier to keep clean but not a healing thing).
Beginning of last year had 100ml botox (okish, but no long term healing). Went to a 2nd coloractal surgeon as wanted 2nd opinion and she was far more proactive. She did rigid sigmoidoscopy, more botox, internal and external tag removal and fissurectomy - healing from this was quite painful, but got through it and thought things were on the up.
Am still not healed, and now sitting here with what feels like a small shard of glass in my arse.
Am now waiting for another hit of Botox, but the wait will probably be a few months!!! So frustrating.
I'm in the UK and doing this privately as NHS wasn't even offered to me. And even going private is taking an age and not sure how I'm going to afford it.
Anyway, that's my rant. I'm sick of it beyond words. It's ruined my life.
LIS is off the table right now as I'm female and there is massive reluctance to do this surgery on females because our sphincter muscle is shorter than males and so the risk of incontinence is greater.
It's like being trapped. My life has shrunk, everything is dictated by this bloody thing.