Hi all,
I finally saw my CRS on Monday after booking in for a full 30 minute appointment. She pretty much ruled out a colostomy (my chosen option), after saying it was unprecedented to have such an option for a fissure. Initially she wanted to refer me to a pain clinic and to see a psychologist over my food fear issues. I was at pains to stress that they were based on cause and effect and not just anxiety/phobia based, although I would agree I do have a bit of a mental block about this.
At first she tried to convince me to have Botox, but I made the point that with my history of endless rectal/anal issues, I may heal initially, but in all likelihood I'll have other flare ups in the future, having a tight sphincter. She did actually confirm that I had a resting pressure of 120 and that my pelvic floor wasn't working properly in conjunction with the sphincter. So after spending considerably more time talking around my options and me making it clear I wasn't happy with the status quo, she finally agreed to perform an LIS on the NHS for me. We get on well, but I was pretty forthright in my thoughts on the subject and stressed I'd had enough of tinkering with my issues and wanted to try something more radical. I think what swung it for me was the vehemence of my feelings. She did remark at the end that she'd never seen me so intent on getting the outcome that I wanted. I did apologise and made a point of saying I hope I'm not bullying you into this. She said no and that she was happy to do it. She did say the time frame is around 18 weeks on the NHS and that she'd contact my GP, as everything also has to go through them.
On the downside, she did an examination with a finger and a proctoscope and unfortunately it did a bit of damage at the posterior region which started bleeding there and then. Since then it's been quite sore and the 3 or 4 times I've been to the loo it's bled. I'm using Rectogesic at the moment, but with my tight rectal muscles, it's quite difficult to even insert a finger without too much discomfort. I'm also wondering how it's going to heal, as even narrowish stools are causing problems. I'm on Movicol (twice a day - about 80-90ml). I could up this, but the result is certain to be more trips to the bathroom, which is the last thing I want right now. Any tips on how I could settle this down a bit?
I'm dreading the operation or I should say, the post op condition I'm likely to be in. I just hope I've made the right decision, having read a few recent negative healing reviews by members on here. It's also quite a wait, which is a bit frustrating. I was hoping to be healing by the summer, but I'm likely to be laid up by then.
While I'm posting, could members offer some advice on what to and what not to do post op and answer a few questions.
1. What's the best pain medicine that isn't too constipating. My CRS said paracetamol, but would that really touch the pain?
2. What on earth do you do all day, post op? Watch tv, sleep and think about nothing but your pain lol? Are you able to move at all or is it just too painful?
3. If my fissure has a good degree of healing by the time I have the operation, would the recovery time be likely to be shorter? Incidentally my CRS said the actual op takes no more than 2 minutes to perform.
4. Do you have enema pre-op or don't they bother?
5. Can you have Botox alongside the LIS to make healing a bit easier and has anyone done that?
6. What can and should you realistically eat post op?
This will be my first ever genuine rectal operation and I'm not exactly looking forward to it. Any words of comfort or positivity will be very welcome! I just hope it'll be worth it.