Glycerin Trinitrate and other questions

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Re: Glycerin Trinitrate and other questions

Postby Ever the Optimist » 18 Jun 2012, 14:19

Hi all,
Sue - I really don't think you're a hypochondriac! :) It is SO easy to become self-obsessed with this issue because it's always there! I was terrible, kept focusing on every new twinge and ache, thinking it was the start of something else....and because the healing process is so slow, you just don't think it's going to end!...I really hope you get your CRS date through soon. Will be good to get an update and hopefully put your mind at rest with your "dimple" issue too. Your symptoms to me describe more of a tear than anything else...Do you have a bump or pussing or any other symptoms? Definately, get it looked at if it's worrying you. It may be nothing new at all & still be related to your fissure.
I had an abscess in March that was very painful but popped, went and everything seemed to heal nicely. Then I found a little tiny soft flesh coloured bump near the absess site, which itched a little. My CRS suspected a fistula and scheduled the EUA for Weds for further investigation. In the meantime, the bump started pussing and became more sore and itchy. It had also developed a visible "hole" in it by this stage (about half a cm long) and I'd had some mild coccyx pain at times when it flared up a bit. Two GPs diagnosed it as a Pilonidol Sinus and could see no evidence of a fistula and ever since, I've been totally confused to what it is!! It fits the description of a fistula in that it pusses, itches and could have stemmed from the original abscess but it's also in the right location for a perinidol cyst/ sinus and has the same pus/ itching/ sore symptoms....Guess I'll find out Weds!!...Hopefully you don't have this...
Keep me updated on that & healing hugs and hope you find some reassurance Thurs x
Whatwhat.....can't believe you're doing a half marathon! Good luck with that. I guess I could if I put my mind to it but haven't run in years!! Glad you are feeling well enough to tackle that challenge...Also Good Luck with the Recto, hope you get used to it soon (if not already) and you are on the way to healdom! Oh - Keep laughing too...and yes, once I opened up to everyone about my poorly bum, it was amazing to receive the reassurance and support I did, hear similar stories about others and endure the crappy toilet jokes that followed!! Make me continue to laugh....Healing hugs x
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: Glycerin Trinitrate and other questions

Postby whatwhat » 19 Jun 2012, 05:04

Thanks for explaining about the Botox. At first I was wondering if everyone was really just worried about wrinkles in their bottoms Image but now I get it.
I'm hoping this issue doesn't hinder my chances of getting fit enough to run it ETO. We will see! Like you said, lets hope I can nip it now before it gets to that point.
I will keep you updated
Healing hugs to you all too
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Re: Glycerin Trinitrate and other questions

Postby Sue27uk » 21 Jun 2012, 10:30

:D Thats quite funny whatwhat, my work colleagues joked about wrinkly bottoms when I said I was having the botox!!! Hope you are feeling better now and have managed to get things under control a bit more.
ETO, I didn't think I had a pilonidal cyst/sinus from your description! I went to my GP today and he has diagnosed proctalgia fugax, which is basically linked to the muscle spasm from my fissure. He told me it's curable, long-term medication will help but he wants to delay that treatment until I have had my fissurotomy and botox (which I am still waiting to hear about). So a bit of relief there that I am not going crazy!! How did it go yesterday? Hope you are ok and they have managed to sort and figure something out! :)
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Re: Glycerin Trinitrate and other questions

Postby Ever the Optimist » 21 Jun 2012, 12:17

Hope you are all OK and feeling good right now x
Well the EUA showed some very interesting developments yesterday and Sue, thanks for remembering and asking.... The whole procedure went really smoothly and I woke up after the GA to speak to my CRS. I had a tiny superficial fistula tract, which they immediately "de-roofed" and 24 hours on, I'm a bit swollen, stitched up and sore! but feel great that I have some answers at last. It was not pilonidol and pleased to say the CRS advised a full recovery rate of 95%, said it was a very simple case and that I could be back at work next week! (We'll see!)....
Prior to the surgery, they had advised me they would also do BOTOX on the AF if they needed to and we joked about the flatulance side effect!.......Well, I then asked about the fissure and the CRS said there was no evidence of it!!! He advised that it had either healed 100% or it could have been a recurring abscess!...but there is no longer nothing there.
Well, very shocked, bit confused, relieved...think I want a few more answers but just happy things have finally progressed and I now know what I need to do to continue in my healing...
Sue, I don't know an awful lot about proctalgia fugax but just really pleased for you that you too know a bit about what's been going on with you and now which way to turn. I will have to google that but hope it's something that can be managed painlessly and cured. Like the Docs say, just deal with one thing at a time and we'll get there....and I hope you get your CRS date through soon, so things can move forward.
Whatwhat, hope you are getting on better with the Recto and it's helping in your healing...
I've a few painful days ahead, lots of ibruprofen at hand, but finally see a way forward!!!
Healing hugs to you all and be in touch xx
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: Glycerin Trinitrate and other questions

Postby Sue27uk » 22 Jun 2012, 10:02

Wow! It sounds like you're sorted then ETO, hopefully things will start to get better for you and you will completely heal. I'm really pleased to hear that you are heading in the right direction, fingers crossed it all goes well. You are right, deal with one thing at a time. I looked up proctalgia fugax on the internet like GP told me to, and I must admit my pain does not last 10-20 mins like some sites say. It's more constant than that throughout the day. But once my op is over, if this is still a problem I will go back to my doc and say. At least he seems willing to listen and help :D Once again, really happy you are getting sorted Image
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Re: Glycerin Trinitrate and other questions

Postby andyk123 » 24 Jun 2012, 09:02

Hello sue.
i notice you are going for round 2 of too!
i also notice u have tailbone pain and ur gp said there is a drug? i also have been suffering with tailbone pain for a long time you know what drug he is talking about?
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Re: Glycerin Trinitrate and other questions

Postby Sue27uk » 25 Jun 2012, 15:49

Hi Andy, good to hear from you. As I hadn't seen you for a while I wondered if you were healed! Yes, I decided to go for a private consultation in the end as I was going round in circles with the NHS. Was worth every penny! He said I have healed but there is a tract (gap) underneath. Instead of healing from the inside to out, it has just healed on top. He is therefore doing a fissurotomy, which is cutting and laying it open again to enable proper healing, and is injecting botox at the same time to speed up healing. Plus he wants me to use the rectogesic. Did a bit of research on the fissurotomy and it seems a fairly newish procedure, but it has a 98% success rate, is kind of a partial LIS as it widens the anal canal but no one has suffered incontinence following the procedure (apparantly!!). So fingers crossed this may be it for me, we live in hope. Things are alot better with me now though, hows things with you?
I can't remember the name of the drug I'm afraid as my GP said I would need to wait until after my op to get it. He did say it was an anti-depressant though, but would be given in a much lower dose than for depression to help with muscle spasm. Its a long-term treatment. I'm not sure if mine is muscle spasm, or dermatological following my trip to the dermatologist today who said it was a bit inflamed. Do you have any reddening of the skin etc? Or is it more the bone? Is there pain after a bm, when sitting, walking? Only reason I ask is it could be a number of things which my doctor explained. I have been given some steroid cream to try on my existing problem and the coccyx to see if it helps. If you want to ask anything feel free or want to private message the details rather than on here I don't mind! Can't promise I can 100% help but I can try!! :)
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Re: Glycerin Trinitrate and other questions

Postby andyk123 » 26 Jun 2012, 05:05

Sue27uk wrote:Hi Andy, good to hear from you. As I hadn't seen you for a while I wondered if you were healed! Yes, I decided to go for a private consultation in the end as I was going round in circles with the NHS. Was worth every penny! He said I have healed but there is a tract (gap) underneath. Instead of healing from the inside to out, it has just healed on top. He is therefore doing a fissurotomy, which is cutting and laying it open again to enable proper healing, and is injecting botox at the same time to speed up healing. Plus he wants me to use the rectogesic. Did a bit of research on the fissurotomy and it seems a fairly newish procedure, but it has a 98% success rate, is kind of a partial LIS as it widens the anal canal but no one has suffered incontinence following the procedure (apparantly!!). So fingers crossed this may be it for me, we live in hope. Things are alot better with me now though, hows things with you?
I can't remember the name of the drug I'm afraid as my GP said I would need to wait until after my op to get it. He did say it was an anti-depressant though, but would be given in a much lower dose than for depression to help with muscle spasm. Its a long-term treatment. I'm not sure if mine is muscle spasm, or dermatological following my trip to the dermatologist today who said it was a bit inflamed. Do you have any reddening of the skin etc? Or is it more the bone? Is there pain after a bm, when sitting, walking? Only reason I ask is it could be a number of things which my doctor explained. I have been given some steroid cream to try on my existing problem and the coccyx to see if it helps. If you want to ask anything feel free or want to private message the details rather than on here I don't mind! Can't promise I can 100% help but I can try!! :)

glad to hear you are feeling better - your new surgeon sounds good. are you paying privately for the surgery?
the botox was ok for me - it definatey eased things a bit, but i still tore about once every 3 weeks, but the tears just didnt hurt as much. i had my 3 month follow up and there is still a fissure there so my surgeon wants to do botox again. this time though i had requested that they do not look up with the camera as i feel that set me back a bit. they are literlly just gunna inject me - so hopefully it will work better this time. i will be having it early aug.
i have been having some other problems lately so fissure has kind of taken back seat. i have been having knee problems and havent been able to walk properly for about 4 months - and it has definately made me realise how i let the fissure limit me way more than i should have now that i literlly cant do a lot of things.
oh and my tailbone hurts when there is any pressure on it, so sitting/lying. theres no redness, i thinkits either a musclar tension issue, or jst the bone itself. i have had no suggestions from my gp how to treat it though..they are useless.
when is ur surgery?
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Re: Glycerin Trinitrate and other questions

Postby Sue27uk » 27 Jun 2012, 12:21

Yep, I went to see the CRS privately and to be honest am sick and tired of waiting to get things sorted on the NHS. Was really happy with what he said and advised and felt I trusted him so decided to stick with him. My parents are helping with some of the costs and its not as expensive as I thought it would be!
Gosh, you tore even with the botox?! I didn't have that, it just re-tore badly before the botox took effect properly. I don't blame you not wanting the camera, I don't think they'll do that for me this time as they did it in the consultation. At least early August is not too long to wait for you. I know what you mean about letting the fissure limit you, I have been doing alot more aswell which has helped how I feel in myself too. I just find I am not 100% and in some ways that is worse than complete agony as there are constant niggles! Sorry to hear you are having other problems, I hope you get that sorted soon. Are you seeing anyone about it?
I only asked if there was redness as if there was it could be skin or a pilonidal cyst. It's probably more likely to be muscles then. My GP applied pressure to the coccyx and examined it and as I didn't react too much he concluded its referred pain. Can't believe your GP has given you no advice! Has he/she examined you? Your doc needs to rule out any other conditions.
The lady rang me today and my operation is on 7th July, so hopefully after that I can go and see my GP for the medication for my coccyx. If I do I will let you know the name of it so you can suggest it. I must admit feel a bit nervous about the surgery, even though I have been waiting a while. But hopefully this will sort it out once and for all, and at least I have the summer hols right after it to recover so no pressure there from work!
I really hope you feel better soon and the botox works for you :D
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Re: Glycerin Trinitrate and other questions

Postby whatwhat » 28 Jun 2012, 07:55

If I can just but in here and mirror what you guys say about GP's being a tad on the shyt side. Mine seems to want to usher me out of her office as soon as possible. Maybe she is worried I will ask her to stick her finger up my bum again, I don't know, but she's not helpful at all. If it wasn't for this forum I wouldn't know how to deal with this - no diet advice, no advice about how to apply recto/diltiazam etc.
I have given myself a 6 weeks on diltazam and after that, if I am still having problems, I am going private to a CRS.
Wishing you both lots of luck with your surgery/pain management
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