GTN after LIS to heal faster ?

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GTN after LIS to heal faster ?

Postby Nora89 » 27 Oct 2017, 15:14

had my LIS 9 days ago .. I had 2 chronic fissures after childbirth and i tried GTN cream it was going good till i had a multiple retears, each time I heal two or three weeks then i retear again so i decided to do LIS
The good thing about LIS the muscle is not as tight as it was befor so bms are easier yet the fissures still hurts( the pain level is tolerable compared to before) and needs time to heal and the incision as well, and i was thinking can i use GTN to make the healing process faster since it worked with me before or should i stick to sitz baths only :/ ?
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Re: GTN after LIS to heal faster ?

Postby kevinpdx » 07 Nov 2017, 23:10

Glad you had LIS done, Did you had to reschedule your surgery bc if the flu? I would let it heal naturally. I went as far as not taking any painkillers that were prescribed fearing constipation. You gone through the most difficult part, surgery, so keep a healthy diet and the area clean. It will take some time to heal
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