Had fistulotomy on Monday

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Had fistulotomy on Monday

Postby Guest » 15 Aug 2007, 08:57

Had fistulotomy on Monday (there were no great non surgical solutions - plug and glue are possibilities for some). Dr said I had a straightforward surgery (not deep or long). Had surgery at 1:30 was home by 6:00PM - getting out of the anesthesia was the worst part (so far). Took generic vicodin for the first several hours and had very little pain (just fear of pain). Last medication was Tuesday at 9:30AM - no Tylenol or anything for 24 hours with virtually no pain.
He could not find my original Fissue and did not seem to disturb it. His surgical resident said my questions made him feel like he was getting quizzed for a class (thanks to you and the internet!). Told them to leave a second small fissure alone.
Currently working from the couch, change cotton ball every 2-3 hours, a little bleeding and drainage. No BM since the surgery so we will see how that goes.

Re: Had fistulotomy on Monday

Postby Guest » 15 Aug 2007, 10:07

Wow-that sounds pretty heavy duty. Hope you are doing okay. When I had surgery last month it helped to start on Milk of Magnesia as a preemptive strike against constipation. With GA I didnt go the next day and still felt a bit constipated after that but the MOM seemed to help. I would imagine at this stage of the game we all know as much if not more about fissures than some of the docs.
Take care of yourself!

Re: Had fistulotomy on Monday

Postby happyass » 15 Aug 2007, 19:39

oh ouch! you've had it rough. but it sounds like you are handling things like a might trooper!
when you have a moment later, we'd love to hear (or i would love to hear) the details of your day getting the procedure. if you'd like to sharet that.
happy healing.
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Re: Had fistulotomy on Monday

Postby Deleted User 5 » 15 Aug 2007, 20:07

Yes, Ouch, it would be nice to hear how the procedure went, at least what you recall of it!
Deleted User 5

Re: Had fistulotomy on Monday

Postby dano » 15 Aug 2007, 21:54

was it as bad as people are saying the operation is,sounds like you were there for awhile anyway.get well soon!
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Re: Had fistulotomy on Monday

Postby Guest » 16 Aug 2007, 14:16

Well everything was find until a BM - Tylenol didn't work so took 1 of the other meds and was ok.
Here was the process:
Went for exploratory surgery to determine if I simply had an abscess or a fistula. Went to the hospital at about 11:30. Was put into a prep room about noon. Was asked a bazillion questions by the nurse, anesthesiologist nurse, anesthesiologist, CRS Resident, CRS etc. Gave the CRS specific instructions as to what he could do (Fistulotomy, not to touch the fissure)
Given an IV with ports for adding drugs, rolled into surgery around 1:30 - 2:00 pm and given general anesthesia - was supposed to be in twilight because they operate with you on laying on your chest and I have sleep apnea (took cpap machine but I don't think they used it). Remember moving to the operating table and the rest was a blur, can't remember anything else until rolled into recovery around 3pm (I was seeing double and could not really read the clock for awhile). Felt really tired but not sleepy - was nauseous - but did not hurl. Got some water and slowly came out of it and was wheeled to the car about 5PM - got home about 6pm - no pain in the hospital nor at home.
Was instructed to remove bandages at 6PM (note to self, shave butt before having a yard of adhesive tape applied to butt after surgery). To avoid pain took pain meds at 6pm and every 4-6 hours until last pill at 9:30am the following morning. Showered and instructed to change dressing every 2-3 hours (dressing is just a cotton ball).
I'm not taking any antibiotics or applying any dressing, just changing the cotton balls, taking 3-4 sitz baths a day. Little bleeding, some discharge. Moderate to high pain after BM - but still better than my fissure. In theory my CRS said I could be back at work after three days, without a home office NO WAY!
I have 2-3 hours of pain after a BM (without meds) and am working from a couch - not a desk. I'm guessing a week at least before I'd go someplace to work.
Monday Surgery - surgery fine, fine at home
Tuesday - stopped meds, no BM felt okay but still felt weird from anesthesia - just layed around
Wed - Worked from couch - BM at 5:00PM moderate to high pain after - took Tylenol was ok 3 hrs later
Thurs - BM at 8:30am, took Tylenol in pain - 2nd BM at 10:30am took Prescription pain meds - ok an hour later - as you fissure sufferers know twice or more in one day is not good
Sorry for the long post just trying to capture things. I think this so far is better than the fissure but it's early yet!

Re: Had fistulotomy on Monday

Postby buttgirl » 16 Aug 2007, 15:40

Glad to hear it might be better! Hopefully, this will take care of whatever it was that was making your fissure hard to heal. I had to have something similar done. It hurt like crazy, but I actually felt like I was healing afterwards.
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Re: Had fistulotomy on Monday

Postby Guest » 18 Aug 2007, 13:46

Actually I think my fissure healed before I got the abscess that led to the fistula. Not sure what the relationship might be between them but I've had nothing from the fissure for more than 2 weeks and the CRS didn't seem to see it during surgery. Not sure why they occured at the sime time since I've never had any problems till now

Re: Had fistulotomy on Monday

Postby happyass » 19 Aug 2007, 21:25

well ouch i think you will be doing great in no time then since you have taken care of the abcess.
which came first, the fissure or the abcess then fistula?
it is common for a fissure to give birth to an abcess, which may or may not lead to a fistula.
it is a tricky thing because being super clean back there during your fissure phase will help skim your chances some.
i am happy that you are done with the worst part.
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Re: Had fistulotomy on Monday

Postby val » 19 Aug 2007, 22:23

what is a fistula?Does having the fissure mean getting one? How would you know if you got one?Sorry for being so not clued up!
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