Had LIS but still in pain.. 4 weeks later

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Had LIS but still in pain.. 4 weeks later

Postby beninle » 23 May 2021, 15:19

Why does it keep logging me out this is so annoying. - Had to type this 4 separate times ugh

I had surgery 4 weeks ago fissurectomy (agitating the wound) and LIS; after two weeks i was feeling slightly better, but after the 3rd week up to now, i can feel the fissure itself internally is very sore. BM's are coming out painful and squashed and even though they are soft I need to strain for them to get through the sphincter.

Im worried the surgery was not a success. I've had no gas incontinence issues, no soiling or discharge, and no blood after two days of surgery.

I put some rectogesic inside as i had some spare, but as i'm going in it kinda stops where the swelling is by the inner sphincter, and it feels very sharp and burning type of pain on the wound itself. I'm praying that this is just localised swelling and not my rectum just clamping shut as it was pre surgery.

I am in the UK so sadly it's not possible to have a face to face appointment with my surgeon for an inspection, so only can have a phone call with him this week but i find speaking to you guys is better with the experience.

Can anyone relate to a sharp pain on the fissure itself when applying cream and swelling? Is that normal for having LIS 4 weeks ago? I never had such accute pain at my fissure site other than when I first got the fissure a year ago when the body went into spasms and shock almost.

Just before I went in, pain was maybe a 3/4 consistent but now i'd say it's at a 7. I had a open LIS (from outside) if thats important. Most people ive seen and read about here obsessively were pain free by a week or two in.. and it's upsetting that i'm 4 weeks in and my fissure is almost as painful as it was when i first got it years ago.

I'm worried my surgeon will just say "Give it time" and then it'll be another year because of waiting times to get seen/have followup surgery rebooked if needed which is my main concern.
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Re: Had LIS but still in pain.. 4 weeks later

Postby Suxsomuch2 » 31 May 2021, 22:11

Beninle, I'm so sorry. Are you feeling better now? I had all kinds of pain after my LIS. I wasn't supposed to go for a followup visit for 30 days, but called my CRS crying 3 times in the first week, and therefore got invited back sooner. They didn't tell me to keep up my calcium blocker (Diltiazem and then later Nifedepine) so I was in crazy pain. Finally the nurse says . . . oh, you can start the Diltiazem back up. Thanks, that was info I could have used sooner!
Cancerous polyps May 2018
Confirmed polyps removed July 2019
Extreme pain November 2020
Diagnosed with AF January 2021
LIS February 2021
Not healed
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Re: Had LIS but still in pain.. 4 weeks later

Postby ken2021 » 03 Aug 2021, 22:19

beninle wrote:Why does it keep logging me out this is so annoying. - Had to type this 4 separate times ugh

I had surgery 4 weeks ago fissurectomy (agitating the wound) and LIS; after two weeks i was feeling slightly better, but after the 3rd week up to now, i can feel the fissure itself internally is very sore. BM's are coming out painful and squashed and even though they are soft I need to strain for them to get through the sphincter.

Im worried the surgery was not a success. I've had no gas incontinence issues, no soiling or discharge, and no blood after two days of surgery.

I put some rectogesic inside as i had some spare, but as i'm going in it kinda stops where the swelling is by the inner sphincter, and it feels very sharp and burning type of pain on the wound itself. I'm praying that this is just localised swelling and not my rectum just clamping shut as it was pre surgery.

I am in the UK so sadly it's not possible to have a face to face appointment with my surgeon for an inspection, so only can have a phone call with him this week but i find speaking to you guys is better with the experience.

Can anyone relate to a sharp pain on the fissure itself when applying cream and swelling? Is that normal for having LIS 4 weeks ago? I never had such accute pain at my fissure site other than when I first got the fissure a year ago when the body went into spasms and shock almost.

Just before I went in, pain was maybe a 3/4 consistent but now i'd say it's at a 7. I had a open LIS (from outside) if thats important. Most people ive seen and read about here obsessively were pain free by a week or two in.. and it's upsetting that i'm 4 weeks in and my fissure is almost as painful as it was when i first got it years ago.

I'm worried my surgeon will just say "Give it time" and then it'll be another year because of waiting times to get seen/have followup surgery rebooked if needed which is my main concern.

How are you now? Did it heal?
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Re: Had LIS but still in pain.. 4 weeks later

Postby ken2021 » 03 Aug 2021, 22:20

Suxsomuch2 wrote:Beninle, I'm so sorry. Are you feeling better now? I had all kinds of pain after my LIS. I wasn't supposed to go for a followup visit for 30 days, but called my CRS crying 3 times in the first week, and therefore got invited back sooner. They didn't tell me to keep up my calcium blocker (Diltiazem and then later Nifedepine) so I was in crazy pain. Finally the nurse says . . . oh, you can start the Diltiazem back up. Thanks, that was info I could have used sooner!

It's been a month how are you now? are you healed? from LIS and Fissure?
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