Had surgery, now a pile...how do I soothe the pain?

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Had surgery, now a pile...how do I soothe the pain?

Postby fissures_can_suck_it » 04 Jun 2015, 11:28

I had lis surgery and removal of two piles almost two weeks ago, and recovery has been rough. I now have developed a new pile (not sure if it's that or hemorrhoid) which causes discomfort and some pain during a BM and a couple hours of burning and some pain afterward. I sit on a sitz bath after the BM, but I still have this uncomfortable burning feeling afterward that keeps me laying on side. Anyone have ideas on how to soothe the area after a BM (aside from sitz)? I should also mention I am pregnant, so I can't use medicated ointments or pain killers.

Thanks all! :thanx:
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Re: Had surgery, now a pile...how do I soothe the pain?

Postby owmybum » 05 Jun 2015, 03:12

You could try holding an ice pack to the area?? That may help calm things down a bit?? Maybe a tiny bit of sudocream?? It's so difficult to manage when your pregnant.... I really hope you find some relief soon so you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Internal flap July 14
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Re: Had surgery, now a pile...how do I soothe the pain?

Postby fissures_can_suck_it » 05 Jun 2015, 07:27

I will try that. Thanks so much for your response!
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