Haemorrhoids Help!!! PLEASE!!!

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Haemorrhoids Help!!! PLEASE!!!

Postby cypriot38 » 02 Mar 2019, 08:34

Hey everyone,
I am a 38 year old gay male and last year I had haemorrhoids. I've had them before but no way near as bad as this. It was so painful that I didn't eat much as that would make me poop and it was the worst pain in my life.
I finally visited a doctor who kindly shoved his finger up there, as i yelped he quickly said i have internal haemorrhoids.
These have now gone and im back to normal apart from one thing - my sex life!!!
Since having the haemorrhoids, it's gotten VERY tight in my anus and although I can poop OK, I can no longer have sex - yes I receive!.
I've been told surgery will sort the issue out but im reading many posts about it being tighter AFTER surgery. I dont want to go the surgery route if it ends up worse for me.
Ideally I'm looking for advice from someone who has been in the same situation. Will surgery work, do I need to "retrain" my ass, is it a mental block?
All these questions and I cannot find the solution and it's starting to depress me.
Thanks x
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Re: Haemorrhoids Help!!! PLEASE!!!

Postby chachacha » 02 Mar 2019, 10:13

I am not in the same situation, but I would advise you to solicit another opinion, specifically one from a CRS. You may (very likely) have an anal fissure, as well as internal hemmies, because they can very easily be hidden behind said hemorrhoids. Treatment for an anal fissure may eventually require surgery, but if the fissure isn't yet chronic, it might still be possible to treat it with less invasive measures.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
LIS January, 2015
Hemorrhoidectomy December, 2017
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