Having sex while a fissure is present

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Having sex while a fissure is present

Postby Cporosus1 » 15 Apr 2017, 12:59

I was wondering if having sex while I have a fissure will impair the healing process. I'm a male and I'm talking about just basic sex (not anal or anything else). I have noticed that my perineum gets tight during sex, so I'm not sure if that would impair the healing or not. My fissure is located at the front of my anus (not the back) and is on an old fistulotomy scar (not Crohns related; I'm healthy and have no impaired healing). The fissure is apparently quite small and was caused by a very large and dry stool. What do you guys/gals think? Safe?
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Re: Having sex while a fissure is present

Postby hurtinend » 15 Apr 2017, 13:33

If you are are talking about just basic, ummm, traditional, then what's the worry??

It is a base human...thing.

I may have lots more question marks but I won't anymore for now.
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Re: Having sex while a fissure is present

Postby Mypoorbutt » 15 Apr 2017, 13:49

Can't really say as I'm female but I know that having sex while my fissure was open was very painful as it set of the spasms, any tightening of that area was painful but I have also read that sex encourages blood flow to the area and can help healing so I guess if it doesn't hurt then no need to stop
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Re: Having sex while a fissure is present

Postby William2 » 15 Apr 2017, 17:31

When my current fissure was bad, even sexual arousal would trigger spasms and intense pain, nevermind the big 'O'. Once, I woke up in the middle of "one of those types of dreams" in incredible pain. As the fissure started to heal, the spasms have lessened.

I don't know if the spasms do damage or not.
8/09 - 12/10: fissure, cured by LIS/fissurectomy
1/17 - present: fissure/hemms, healed but pain remained, 3 CRSs (nifedipine, infrared coag) were no help, cold dilating >= 1" helped but still have pain when sitting
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Re: Having sex while a fissure is present

Postby Cporosus1 » 15 Apr 2017, 17:38

Thanks for the responses everyone. I don't get any pain with my fissure anymore, even after bowel movements. The fissure seems to have started about 2.5 weeks ago when I had a really hard bowel movement, but the pain only lasted a few days. My doctor says it was very small and likely only occurred due to the weakness of the scar tissue. I have another appointment with him on May 11th (one month mark since my first appointment). It's hard to tell if it is healed or not. I don't have blood with BMs anymore and no pain, but it does feel slightly tight. I have a sneaking suspicion that what I thought were once hemorrhoids was actually the same fissure, only much less aggravated. Since my fistulotomy healed about every 6 months or so I would have some minor bleeding and minor "pinching" pain in this exact same area, always on the rare occasions that I had a hard bowel movement. The difference in the previous cases was that they resolved within a few days and I just assumed they were hemorrhoids. This time it was much more painful, but the same "kind" of pain and in the same area. But it seems like if I had soft BMs I don't have any problems. The only time bad things seem to happen is when I try to control how often I poop (I eat a lot of fiber so I might poop 3 or even 4 times per day, which can get annoying...but I suppose this is better than trying to only poop once per day and causing a fissure due to constipation).
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