Heading to have anal dilitation

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Re: Heading to have anal dilitation

Postby jr2 » 26 Jan 2013, 10:55

So glad to hear your your post procedure pain isn't too bad. Actually, having had contact with Dr. Sohn myself, the rates of success with Standardized Dilatation were equal to LIS when you include those individuals who failed to heal with the first dilation who underwent a second one.
We do need more options, all of us, because not everyone is well suited for LIS. People who heal poorly from incisions or are not good candidates for LIS for other reasons (such as myself) do need to have options. Since I do not live in the NY area, I am stuck with no options as several top-rated CRS in my area will not perform LIS on me. I would have dilation in a heartbeat.
Wishing you all the very best in your recovery, and I hope the pain continues to be at tolerable levels for you.
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Re: Heading to have anal dilitation

Postby delasama » 26 Jan 2013, 11:20

whats dialatiom? do they put you to sleep?
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Re: Heading to have anal dilitation

Postby jr2 » 26 Jan 2013, 12:23

Medical dilation fell out of favor some years ago in the US because it used to be performed in an uncontrolled way that involved a surgeon inserting multiple fingers into the anus and stretching the muscle to loosen the tension the muscle was under and allow the fissure to heal. It fell out of favor because this uncontrolled stretching often led to muscle tears and incontinence.
Dr. Sohn, a retired surgeon, brought the procedure back, but modified it by making the procedure standardized. His results were excellent in thousands of patients treated. This way the surgeon can control the amount of stretch and avoid the complications that the old way created. There actually are a number of reasearch studies demonstrating the effectiveness of standardized dilatation. The colorectal surgeons I saw were actually really open and interested in the research I presented them with, but unfortunately they just weren't trained in it and so don't offer it to their patients.
The physician Badd had her procedure performed by is using the procedure Dr. Sohn standardized. It is very safe and effective.
Yes, you are sedated (put to sleep) with the procedure, and a series of dilators are inserted while you are asleep. The dilators start out small in diameter and increase in size. The maximum sized dilator is inserted and keft in place for 6 minutes. Alternatively, there is also a balloon device that can be used that is inserted and gradually inflated inside the anus until the maximum diameter is reached.
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Re: Heading to have anal dilitation

Postby thisfissurecankissmybutt » 26 Jan 2013, 13:48

So, your doctor didn't have an "inherent financial conflict of interest"? I assume that means he performed it for you free of charge?
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Re: Heading to have anal dilitation

Postby Badd825 » 26 Jan 2013, 14:49

I'm sorry it seems like I've been misunderstood. I'm not sure why it seems I've offended you. You have healed and LIS worked for you and that's great. I wanted to try the non surgical approach and I hope it works for me. Lucky for me I have excellent coverage and cost wasnt an issue. He charges more for LIS and performs that surgery as well. I'm happy that he also does dilitation even though he has less to gain financially. I'm going to focus on my healing and wanted to share my experience because others who posted here helped me so much. It's how I found out about anal dilitation and this doctor in the first place. I didn't expect it to lead to offending anyone or having to defend my choice. I'm focusing on positive things and again I'm sorry if my views have offended you. My experience on this forum has always been positive and helpful. I hope some people can get something from my experience. I was quoting this months readers digest which was in the waiting room. It was really interesting and a lot of it rang true. I really hope I heal and this is the end of my journey. God Bless
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Re: Heading to have anal dilitation

Postby suzyljank » 26 Jan 2013, 18:17

Hi, Badd, I think your comments are great. It's another option for those of us with these nasty fissures. Hope you continue to feel better and thanks for posting. Suzy
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Re: Heading to have anal dilitation

Postby Savaici » 26 Jan 2013, 20:34

Badd825. Image Really hope that your dilation procedure works for. It is being performed at quite a few of the larger hospitals now in the US, including the Cleveland Clinic. Not everyone wants to have surgery, and some cannot. Dilation is painless and used as the norm in places in Europe. Also, quite a few people who have LIS are told to practice dilation in order that scar tissue does not form. Thanks for quoting from that article. Good information. Big hug!!!
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Re: Heading to have anal dilitation

Postby hopefulbutt » 06 Feb 2013, 16:27

So Badd825 how are you doing?
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Re: Heading to have anal dilitation

Postby Savaici » 07 Feb 2013, 09:06

Image Really hope to hear how you are doing, Badd825.
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Re: Heading to have anal dilitation

Postby Jessjess » 07 Feb 2013, 14:39

:) Thanks Badd. Good read. It's good to know there is an option in case LIS doesn't work or can't be done for whatever reason.
I just had the LIS and fissurectomy and I am recovering on day 3 post op. It still scary for me to use the bathroom as I think it will take a few days to de-traumatize me! So far, I've had no incontinence and the stabbing pain in gone, just sore now and burning a bit.
I'm glad you are doing well whatever it takes! Image
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