Healing stage

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Healing stage

Postby vasilisa » 21 Oct 2024, 23:50

I was trying to find old posts with forum members discussing their healing progress symptoms
I could not find testimonies regarding healing stage where daily pains subsided and main last symptom
(besides those soul killing skin tags scar tissue) was PAIN DURING BM...
3 sites of my anus are extremely painful during stool passage and I suspect that massive anal fissures were caused by anoscopy injury on 10th April.

thanks for any input
v :thanx:
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Re: Healing stage

Postby vasilisa » 25 Oct 2024, 10:58

maybe some one can get back to me :helmet: :~!@:

is it normal to do not see clearly where one is with his healing ?

I know that stress and anxiety are making our perception and judgement of this situation
shrouded in darkness and confusion :affraid: :affraid: :affraid: :affraid:

I am looking forward now to eliminate BM pains and then working on my PTSD of accepting scar tissue changes around and inside my anus ....hope time will heal this horror that can not be even close compared to 8 years brutal benzodiazepines withdrawal, torn shoulder tendons, frozen shoulder, bi lateral cubital tunnel injury, back to frozen shoulder being injured with elbow and shoulder tendinitises (where I couldnt move my arm for entire year) ...
2024 10 April Anoscopy brutal injury with multiple fissures
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Re: Healing stage

Postby Rich44 » 19 Nov 2024, 19:50

You are too vague. Why did you have to have an anoscopy to begin with?

It is rare to have fissures from that test but sitting in sitz baths should have cleared that up quickly. Now it sounds like you have become chronic. Don't kill yourself over something that be taken care of. This is 2024 not the dark ages. You can have a surgery to fix it if you are unsuccessful treating it yourself.
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Re: Healing stage

Postby vasilisa » 20 Nov 2024, 03:45

Hello Rich,
thank you for your reply...
I had hems and I myself wanted doctor to check inside my anus- but he did not warn me about
fissure danger from brutal metal HUGE scope... 10th April...

Rich, I red many posts on this forum, including your ones and I would like to ask you what breathing exercise you did to relax your anus tightness and how often each day?
Also I do not believe in dilation cause many CRS warn against it !

Nice to talk to you and I was deeply touched by Missy Moo journey of healing and her transformation
how she truly was changed and learned so much from this horrible condition.....

Rich44 wrote:You are too vague. Why did you have to have an anoscopy to begin with?

It is rare to have fissures from that test but sitting in sitz baths should have cleared that up quickly. Now it sounds like you have become chronic. Don't kill yourself over something that be taken care of. This is 2024 not the dark ages. You can have a surgery to fix it if you are unsuccessful treating it yourself.
2024 10 April Anoscopy brutal injury with multiple fissures
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Re: Healing stage

Postby GrrrAF » 20 Nov 2024, 10:30

Hi Vasilisa,

For me, I suspected second fissure healing began when the anal spasms stopped (~ 7 weeks) but were replaced with dull pain for another 4 months then ceased altogether. Much of the pain was AFTER BMs starting ~ 1hour after lasting as long as 8 hours until the next day's BM. On occasion, I had pain during BMs but not often. My fissures could not be seen with naked eye guess is why the GP missed them and me also did not see with mirror until I saw the sentinel tag growing outwards I knew I probably had fissure somewhere. I suspect both fissures were deep especially since the second was basically where the first fissure was (anal spasms also for ~ 5 weeks then ALL pain stopped and no tag) and so second one healing took longer least 6 months. About 8 months later, I was still having bleeding really only symptom so I went to a CRS who saw hems with the anoscope and also could see the sites of the old fissures where the skin grew over to heal.

As for breathing..BELLY BREATHING, search youtube videos. I do as much as possible every day, all day make sure I am not holding my breath or shallow breathing especially in times of stress and anxiety.
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Re: Healing stage

Postby vasilisa » 02 Dec 2024, 02:29

what is strange that many chronic fissures sufferers refer to pains during sitting.....
incomplete evacuation , tight sphincter and pains during BM-
my symptoms .... i can sit without problem , but i avoid it

so what s the DEAL with pains During BM????????
2024 10 April Anoscopy brutal injury with multiple fissures
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Re: Healing stage

Postby booty_call » 02 Dec 2024, 20:53

Hi vasilisa, sounds like you're really going through a lot. As I've read your posts, it's been hard for me to follow what happened to you or what treatments you've tried. Can you summarize?

Anyway if you do have fissures and a sentinel pile, no matter what the cause, it's no surprise you've got tension in your sphincter muscles, and pains during/after BMs. The pain is from those areas being stressed when you pass your poo. That pain encourages tension in those muscles, so it's a hard cycle to get out of. Lessening tension in those muscles is theoretically possible (with pelvic floor yoga/breathing/etc) but it is harder said than done because of all the pain.

If you read my story about deciding to do LIS, you'll read that I did months and months of breathing exercises/yoga/etc. Though I learned a lot about my body, in my case those exercises were not enough.

PLEASE PLEASE: if breathing/yoga/etc do not work for you, DON'T BLAME YOURSELF. I certainly thought I could cure myself, but in the end I needed outside help. Hang in there! booty_call
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Re: Healing stage

Postby vasilisa » 03 Dec 2024, 02:03

thanks for your replies Dear BC :cheers:
I am starting 9th month and its been few days that I started deep breathing and those baby positions to relief anal tightness....

I have whole my life come apart and put before a huge lie and deception I was living -
serving other s needs and my own fake needs...

Fear of anal stenosis is giving me panic attacks....

sorry... can not finish my post

booty_call wrote:Hi vasilisa, sounds like you're really going through a lot. As I've read your posts, it's been hard for me to follow what happened to you or what treatments you've tried. Can you summarize?

Anyway if you do have fissures and a sentinel pile, no matter what the cause, it's no surprise you've got tension in your sphincter muscles, and pains during/after BMs. The pain is from those areas being stressed when you pass your poo. That pain encourages tension in those muscles, so it's a hard cycle to get out of. Lessening tension in those muscles is theoretically possible (with pelvic floor yoga/breathing/etc) but it is harder said than done because of all the pain.

If you read my story about deciding to do LIS, you'll read that I did months and months of breathing exercises/yoga/etc. Though I learned a lot about my body, in my case those exercises were not enough.

PLEASE PLEASE: if breathing/yoga/etc do not work for you, DON'T BLAME YOURSELF. I certainly thought I could cure myself, but in the end I needed outside help. Hang in there! booty_call
2024 10 April Anoscopy brutal injury with multiple fissures
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Re: Healing stage

Postby booty_call » 03 Dec 2024, 10:44

Sounds like you have a lot going on, vasilisa. Have you considered a counselor/therapist? Of all the things I tried when I was in pain, the talk therapist was the actually the thing that helped the most, before my surgery. With my talk therapist, I could work on all the mental stuff that was just magnifying my tension and pain. The talk therapy didn't cure my body (for me surgery was the answer), but it did provide a small amount of relief, which meant a lot to me.
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Re: Healing stage

Postby vasilisa » 03 Dec 2024, 11:16

I m seeing one therapist Lady... its getting crowded with christmas season in the downtown , it gives me huge anxiety to face and find myself in the middle of huge people gatherings
so I am doing talk session tomorrow via Whats up!!!!

I am reading Gabor Mate ....

hope you are having less and less flash backs from the horror you endured ....
thanks for checkin on me
I will post more when in better spirits :thankyou:

booty_call wrote:Sounds like you have a lot going on, vasilisa. Have you considered a counselor/therapist? Of all the things I tried when I was in pain, the talk therapist was the actually the thing that helped the most, before my surgery. With my talk therapist, I could work on all the mental stuff that was just magnifying my tension and pain. The talk therapy didn't cure my body (for me surgery was the answer), but it did provide a small amount of relief, which meant a lot to me.
2024 10 April Anoscopy brutal injury with multiple fissures
2024 June end realising what it was
2024 July huge sentinel pile protruding making me suicidal

mental distress due to sentinel pile
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