Hello Rich,
thank you for your reply...
I had hems and I myself wanted doctor to check inside my anus- but he did not warn me about
fissure danger from brutal metal HUGE scope... 10th April...
Rich, I red many posts on this forum, including your ones and I would like to ask you what breathing exercise you did to relax your anus tightness and how often each day?
Also I do not believe in dilation cause many CRS warn against it !
Nice to talk to you and I was deeply touched by Missy Moo journey of healing and her transformation
how she truly was changed and learned so much from this horrible condition.....
Rich44 wrote:You are too vague. Why did you have to have an anoscopy to begin with?
It is rare to have fissures from that test but sitting in sitz baths should have cleared that up quickly. Now it sounds like you have become chronic. Don't kill yourself over something that be taken care of. This is 2024 not the dark ages. You can have a surgery to fix it if you are unsuccessful treating it yourself.