Healing Time

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Healing Time

Postby Chaye » 09 Aug 2013, 06:50

Hi I have no clue on this but its been 2 weeks sense my horrbile painful fissure deal and my question is how long do I need to wait before getting back to normal activities. Like in my garden, brisk walking, bowling? Also I take senkot 2x night for over 1 month now is that ok to do? Plus I use Mirlax 1 cap in coffee every morning? I am at 25 grams of fiber daily and lots of water.
Thank you .....
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Re: Healing Time

Postby Kreaybutt » 09 Aug 2013, 07:14

Hi chaye, you can get back to your normal activities at any time. Even when my af was at its worse I kept going. Walking around the mall or botanical garden or beach. It sounds like you're doing good with the stool softeners and fiber too!
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Re: Healing Time

Postby PompeyBlue » 09 Aug 2013, 09:38

Hi Chaye
I would echo Kreay. I have kept going with walking,dancing etc even through the worst. Your body will tell you if you are overdoing it.
Keep up the fluids, fibre and Miralax. I also upped my fruit consumption. I'm less sure about long term use of Senocot. We need to get back to normal once healed and don't want to become dependent on laxatives.
Perhaps others can advise. Best wishes for speedy healing.
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Re: Healing Time

Postby marg6043 » 09 Aug 2013, 14:05

Chayeit depends on how you feel, if you pain level allows for exercises by any means keep doing them as they help increase circulation in the area where the fissure is located.
If this is your first fissure is considered acute, so it take about 6 to 8 weeks with treatment, now once they are chronic it can take longer.
So do what the doctor tells you if you are under a CRS.
My chronic fissure took one year to heal, some people may take much longer even years with on and off flare ups.
I was in intense pain for months, but I keep my exercise routine whenever possible, I never let the fissure take away my quality of life, when the fissure was horribly painful I took pain killers to be able to do what I needed to do.
If you are not seen a doctor you can use Vaseline to ease the pain and irritation before and after a BM, baby desitin works too for healing.
But the prescribe creams to deal with fissures are Ditilazem and Nitro. They didn't work for me, loving tender care of the area, switching to baby wipes rather than toilet paper, sitz bath after BMs and when the irritation and pain was the worst, Vaseline to keep the area lubricated and baby desitin worked for me.
Staying on a routine, changing eating habits and taking care of the area is a plus.
If no relief is achieved after all the care the fissure will become chronic and if the pain is still unbearable surgery can help.
I waited and was healed naturally, worst pain lasted about 4 months, on and off flare ups and pain until 6 months, after that the pain turned into an irritation until It just fade away.
Until this day after a year two months I still get irritation in the area but non painful once in while.
I hope you healing be a fast one.
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