Hello I has just had a fistulotomy.

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Re: Hello I has just had a fistulotomy.

Postby mike1971 » 07 Jun 2018, 15:08

Hi everyone.

It's 20 days out since my fistulotomy and there is still a yellowish pus that is discharging from the area of the abscess that was lanced. I can see a small pocket of inflammation just under the skin and a lance and cut at the opening to where one of the fistula tracks opened.

I believe the skin abscess is still slightly infected and draining pus. I mentioned this to my surgeon when I had him look at it a couple days ago and he said there was no infection there, which has me confused.

Can anyone tell me if it's possibly the skin abscess can still be draining? Would a fistulotomy drain pus 3 weeks out still?

Thanks for any opinions.
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Re: Hello I has just had a fistulotomy.

Postby mike1971 » 24 Jun 2018, 17:32

5 week post op;

The wound is healing up nicely. It is still open and healing less than a 1/2" in area left. Less tender and sensitive than before but I still can't sit properly for more than 5 minutes.

It's been about 1 week since I've noticed no more pus discharge. Still a slight clear discharge. May be from the wound site or internal hemorrhoids.

Got out and drove my car around the block a couple times. It's been over 3 weeks since it's been driven. I feel awful watching it sit there and rot, becoming a basket case for bird droppings.

Surprisingly, I didn't need a pillow for my driver's seat. I was around the block a couple times and back home with essentially no pain in the behind. I tried this a couple weeks ago and couldn't even sit in the driver's seat with my pillow without feeling jolts.

Still getting slight discomfort and pain a few hours after a bm. Not sure if it's residual pain from the healing wound, anal spasms, or possibly hemorrhoid irritation. Pain level feels as though it's not as intense as the previous weeks. Need to adjust my diet and possibly use more stool softener as bm's are every 48 hours. No pain on the second day without bm. Still constipated.

Started anti depressant (Cipralex also known as Lexapro) this week to curb my health related anxiety and stress.

Appreciate all the diet and stress advice from many of the forum members. Thank you all in my time of difficulty.

Best wishes to all.
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Re: Hello I has just had a fistulotomy.

Postby Dimitri71 » 25 Jun 2018, 14:11

Mike that sounds encourgaging; Hope your recovery continues.
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Re: Hello I has just had a fistulotomy.

Postby mike1971 » 25 Jun 2018, 15:17

Thank you Dimitri how u been haven't heard from u for awhile good to hear from u
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Re: Hello I has just had a fistulotomy.

Postby mike1971 » 13 Jul 2018, 16:01

Hello all.....

7 weeks post OP;

Spent the last 2 weeks at my parents countryside home 250 kms outside the city.

It was peaceful and beautiful....but very hot. Not having air conditioning made it worse. I tried to enjoy nature but with my stress and anxiety levels everyday was rollercoaster ride.

How am feeling now? Well the pain after bowel movements have subsided some. I believe the internal sphincter is contracting / spasming and so is the external sphincter as I can feel it rekax and contract undercut the skin when i press against itvwith my fingers when I rinse and clean off.

The wound is healing up but it is still open just uneer 1/2 inch on the left side of the anterior 12 o'clock position. it looks as though it's still a slit (it was too small to pack and keep open) and when I bend down for a selfie the slit opens and I can see some new resist / white scar tissue growing in. But it also looks like a circular opening within the cut. I hope this is still healing and will fill in as I'm worried it may be something called a "keyhole deformity".

I'm worried because I rinse, sitz, and shower after a bm and half hour later it looks like there is slight fecal silage from that incision / opening. Is this normal for a healing wound after fistulotomy? I mean, to be cleaning a little soilage from the wound afterwards?

Unfortunately the wound is also being coveted by a thrombosis hemorrhoid on the right inside check. So when I close my butt cheeks the hem covers up the wound which in turn keeps air from getting to it. Furthermore, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes two years ago. I've been managing it with diet and weight lose with my doctors help and my blood sugar has not been too bad I am aware thus will obviously affect my healing.

I'm still not emotionally and physically well. I have a hard time sitting properly for more than 5 minutes and my bm's are unpredictable ( sometimes once a day, other times every two days, and even every 3 days on occasion).
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Re: Hello I has just had a fistulotomy.

Postby mike1971 » 15 Jul 2018, 13:30

Well.......3 days and 2 hours since the last bm. Getting really worried. Been eating at regular intervals.

Last time I went we were at the countryside home. I know I'm stresses about going.....haven't been actI've much still.....taking some prescription medications which might be bunging me up.......

This is not good :(
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Re: Hello I has just had a fistulotomy.

Postby patience_and_healing » 15 Jul 2018, 18:50

You need to get on some stronger laxatives. Look for magnesium citrate or Senna. Going every 3 days is pretty bad and I doubt it's going to help your healing process.
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Re: Hello I has just had a fistulotomy.

Postby mike1971 » 15 Jul 2018, 20:23

Yes thanks Patience I'm worried still haven't gone it's now 3 days 9 hours.

I got a little wreck less with my diet these last few days cut back on the fiber and had more meats (chicken and ribs but not much though ) and treated myself to a plate of fish and chips.

I've never in my life gone so long without a bm. I asked my father to pick up a small box of glycerin suppositories this morning. I still have no urge to go.

Is it a good idea to try and get my body to have a bm with the suppositories even though I have no urge? If I do use them should it get me to have a bm shortly thereafter?

My father mentioned using a small piece of hand soap (non scented) up the rectum as a laxative. Is this true ?
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Re: Hello I has just had a fistulotomy.

Postby patience_and_healing » 15 Jul 2018, 23:01

Don't blame yourself for what you ate. Sometimes we all deserve a treat. As far as I know, glycerin suppositories might work, but won't move the stool that's higher up in the colon. For that you'll need to take a daily laxative or softener and not just rely on fiber. What's the current laxative you're taking?
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: Hello I has just had a fistulotomy.

Postby mike1971 » 16 Jul 2018, 05:09

Restorolax. I take about 10g every other day. I may need to up that as I'm closing in on 4 days without a bm.

Sheesh......will probably need to use the suppository......this can't be good not going this long.
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