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Postby FlaminAnus » 29 Jul 2017, 06:00

Hello everyone! I am a new member here but have been lurking/reading since June when my anal fissure problem started. I am a 33 y/o male with a wife and 3 children and work full time on the night shift at a logistics company. This forum has been a Godsend to me with help for pain after BMs and in general improving my diet which was LONG overdue anyway. I have had big and non-frequent BMs my whole life and always over-ate often. I always joke that food is the only luxury I can afford so I splurge on it! I have never been a BM everyday person although sometimes I would go multiple times and then sometimes days between. Ive had painful BMs in the past but nothing compared to the one that caused my issue back in June. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced and left me shaking, seeing stars and in pain for days. I researched it and it lead me to this forum where I see I'm not alone in my struggle...

Since I got the fissure(which I believe may be 2 actually) I have been experimenting with diet change which includes no binge eating like in the past. I've never been big on taking meds but take alot of Ibuprofen these days to help with pain. Ive also tried Forces of Nature stuff but the jury is still out on that whether its actually helping or just a mental thing. My new diet consists of getting properly hydrated with water, alot of soft veggies, smoothies, prunes, citrus and cooking in olive oil more. And using crushed flax seed kind of like salt. I have had softer stools since but still have problems with the tips being hard and still not feeling the need to go everyday.

I have bought Metamucil and Miralax but kind of nervous about using those. I have yet to be to a doctor either but looking into that as well but kind of weary of just being prescribed some meds when I would rather try to heal naturally first.

Any suggestions or more tips for me would be greatly appreciated!
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