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Postby PainSucks » 12 Dec 2017, 12:40

Hello everyone, just had a Hemorrhoidectomy and surgery for fissures (Not too sure which surgery) on 12/1/17 and what a difference in how I feel!!!!

It all started well over 5 years ago, I always (as long as I can remember) had trouble with the first BM of the morning. The first "section" of my BM was always hard and had to force out, once out, what ever else that was in me came out no problem, nor did the rest of my BMs for the day. I heard folks call this the "cork" so I thought it was normal to have to push and strain to get the "cork" out. Painful? Hell yes at times, but no blood or lasting pain that I can remember. About 7 years ago, while on the bowl at work, I went to wipe and there was a lot of blood on the TP and in the bowl! Scared me at first but paid no mind to it because I was diagnosed with thrombocytopenia at one time and bleeding is not uncommon, plus I did not have insurance to going to the ER or doctor, was out of the question. I had bloody stools/toilet paper throughout the years but it never really lasted so it didn't really bother me. Pain would come and go with BMs but never lasted so again, never bothered me. Fast forward to about 6 months ago, I had to drive from NYC to upstate NY and back (2 1/2 - 3 hours each way) and man did that drive suck! After that, anytime I got in a vehicle, I would get pain. Then it would start hurting when I did a BM and kept hurting afterwards. Siting, laying down, standing, all hurt. 10/24/2017 I had a followup with my doctor and I told him about the pain and stuff and he recommended a CRS to go see. Called right away and got an appt. on 11/9 to go see this doc. My wife came with me and couldn't believe how much pain and how uncomfortable I was driving, well I told her this is me everyday!!! He asked a few questions, seen pain on my face, and stuck his finger up there, and said he felt sorry for me, I had internal hemorrhoids and 2 fissures which is why anything I put on my anus did not help. He gave me a script for 5% lidocaine and another for hydrocortisone 2.5% and told me to put on finger and put up my butt and said if pain does not get better in a week, also gave me a script for Miralax and said take more or less until your stools are soft... I settled upon a dose and a half every night at 7pm which worked well (any more and I get the runs, any less, and it is hard) , to call... HELL NO!!!! I have big hands, so I recruited my wife to do it. Pain did not get better so I call and asked about surgery, he wanted me to wait another week to see if pain went down before we talk about surgery. I could only wait until 11/20 then I called, and we setup surgery for 12/1/17, he did tell me it is going to hurt like hell for about a week after surgery, but most people tell him, what is another week of pain.

11/30/17 I took the last of my medicines that I take every morning, and took my Miralax at 7PM and got to the hospital for 730 am on 12/1/17 and the surgery was at 9am, last thing I remember was the anesthesiologist telling me he is going to put something on my tongue to prevent it from choking me since I have sleep apnea. 11AM i woke up in recovery and was out of there almost 1130AM. Glad I did it!!!

I will write in the diary section now, so others can see my progress...
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