HELP : Back pain and vaginal pain with anal fissure

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HELP : Back pain and vaginal pain with anal fissure

Postby mich 777 » 05 Jan 2012, 11:49

Hi there,
Wondering if any one can put my mind at ease. Im new to this site and had never heard of an anal fissure until about 3 months ago when I visited my doctor complaining of sharpe knife pains in my rectum, she advised at the time that she thought it could be proctalgia fugax and sent me away saying that i should introduce more fibre to my diet, which I did. A week went by and I was still having these sharpe pains, however this time I was in agony whilst having a bowel movement.
So I returned to see my doctor and this time she examed me and said that I had a fissure and sent me on my way without any cream and said to stick to the high fibre diet and plenty of water, she said that if it didnt start to feel better in a few weeks that she would refer me to a consultant. My symtoms persisted which resulted in me seeing a CRS last November, and he basically confirmed what doctor had initailly said and prescribed Diltiazem cream ( which does not seem to be working ) and said that he would like to perform a cononoscopy which will be taking place on 11th Jan.
To cut the long story short, since seeing the Crs, I have been experiencing low back / tailbone pain along with vaginal pain/ spasms and occasional abdominal pain and discomfort and my whole pelvic area feels like i have strained all of my muscles especially if I move arkwardly or walk to fast ( I cant even go the the gym or areobics at the moment which I was doing 3/4 times a week before my fissure nightmare.
I cant beleive that a Tear in my anus can be causing all of this upset??As my gp seems to appear not very clued up, I was wondering if anyone could help and put my mind at ease, as I have never experienced anything like this before, and I am feeling extremely anxious about it.
Ive had to put my work/ business on hold as Im am a wedding planner and it includes a lot of standing and bending which is something that I am finding difficult to do at the moment.
Any advice / info would be great.
Thank you.
mich 777
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Re: HELP : Back pain and vaginal pain with anal fissure

Postby grannymaria » 05 Jan 2012, 12:30

Oh sweetie.. I just got diagnosed a few weeks back with it too - I know what you mean about the pains in the pelvic area :*( - I'm new to this great forum and hopefully someone can help us or suggest something.. In the meantime, my prayers with you - stick with the fiber and water and I've read that stool softeners - and Miralax has helped alot too..
Hang in there - and hopefully we can get back our lives :*(
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Re: HELP : Back pain and vaginal pain with anal fissure

Postby Elle1007 » 20 Jan 2018, 22:43

Mich777. Did your doctors ever figure out what is wrong? I have the same problem and would be interested to hear if you are ok.
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Re: HELP : Back pain and vaginal pain with anal fissure

Postby Freya1994 » 19 Jun 2024, 01:08

Hi all, appreciate it has been some time since you all posted but have any of you had any answers/treatment or fully recovered from the vagina and pelvic pain which came with the anal fissure? I have had exactly this for over a year now and doctors keep saying it can’t be linked. There’s also little info online about fissures affecting other areas so any support would be amazing. Thanks so much
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