Help! Botox or LIS?

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Help! Botox or LIS?

Postby Hope21 » 05 Dec 2018, 22:50

Hi guys, I'm a 28 year old female in USA. First of all, I'd like to thank everyone here for the helpful insights on this forum. I'm suffering from AF since Sept 2018. Pain is usually for 4 -5 hours after bm and then subsides during the day. I have been using nifedipine since Oct end but no great improvement. I eat a fissure friendly diet and take milk of magnesia every day. My CRS has recommended Botox as the next step. I sought an opinion of a couple of more doctors in my known circle and they think LIS is the best way to go. Any insights?

This has been an extremely trying time with nothing else on my mind all day except the fissure. I pray to God that we all find light at the end of the tunnel. Sending healing thoughts to everyone!
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Re: Help! Botox or LIS?

Postby Lsfb1989 » 06 Dec 2018, 14:35

About to have my 2nd lot of botox, had it July 2017 as well. Honestly it worked for a couple of months then came back. Im really hoping it works this tine.
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Re: Help! Botox or LIS?

Postby Hope21 » 06 Dec 2018, 15:00

Did the same fissure come back for you or a new one recurred in 2017? Did you face it for a year before considering Botox again? Has the CRS offered you LIS as an option?
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Re: Help! Botox or LIS?

Postby Lsfb1989 » 06 Dec 2018, 15:04

Its the same bastard fissure! Anterior, which is unusual apparantly! I saw the CRS in Aug, after a long long wait (NHS in UK) and he said lets give it another go. If not, there is the LIS or advancement flap. I would have to have mamometry physiological tests first if I wanted the flap (my preference) as if there is a high resting tone the flap wont work. I would go for the surgery now, but he wants a softly softly approach which i understand.
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