Sorry about the TMI but I'm kind of freaking out. I'm in the middle of healing from a 2nd fissure occurrence and have been documenting my days in the "Diaries" board.
I might have eaten something that messed up my routine (the most likely culprit is a bottled protein shake I drank two days ago), and my last "normal" BM was almost 48 hours ago. I took 400mg mg citrate yesterday (usually I only take 200-300mg) hoping it would help with the BM this morning.
Today I woke up, did my usual thing (drink water, etc.), and felt an urge to go, but I had some serious hard tips. I told myself absolutely no straining, so I only got a little bit of it out. I could almost feel that chunks of hard stool are now stuck in my rectum, but have no idea what to do.
I just took a capful of Miralax in water (I've never taken Miralax before since my stool has been soft most of the time and mg citrate seems to be adequate). My fissure wound is finally healing up and I'm terrified I'm gonna go back to square one again because of one bad BM (my spasms are so bad I had to take time off work and rest at home).
Help please?????!!!! Any "emergency" stronger laxative I could buy off the shelf to relieve myself?