Hello! I’m new and dealing with the horrible pain that is an anal fissure. I had surgery on 2/9 - fissurectomy with Botox. I’m almost four weeks out bad had a hard bowel movement and the pain came back. I had gone back to work after two weeks (doctor told me I could stop stool softener but continue with fiber supplements) and this happened yesterday - Friday. It was painful enough I left work and went home to do sitz baths and take Tylenol and rest while finishing out the day.
IT FELT LIKE A HUGE STEP BACK. I wanted to cry. By night I could sit but when I went to the bathroom again today, pain ensued. I’m laying in bed not in pain now - I think that’s because of the baths and Botox. Does that seem right?
But I’m wanting to know if this has ever happened to any of you after surgery? How did you change your diet to encourage non hard bowels? How long did it take after the setback to feel normal? What supplements did you take until you were healed? Anything help that can help this anxiety induced human I would so appreciate.
Talk soon.