In November I had a really hard and uncomfortable bowel movement (felt like I was trying to poop a razor blade) but I thought nothing off it. Then a few days later I noticed alot of bright red blood on the toilet paper and in the bowl. Again, thought nothing off it as I've had hemorrhoids off and on since i was about 16 (I'm 29 now). I live quite a sedentary lifestyle. I decided to take a bath everyday and after a few weeks the pain (pooping a razor blade sensation) and the blood largely subsided.
For Christmas I bought myself a bike and over the holidays cycled about 15-20 miles.
Then on New Years I had a bowel movement and noticed alot of bright red blood, and the same again yesterday. The movement wasn't as painful as before, but there was a slight 'pooping a razor blade sensation'.
This morning I decided to inspect my anal area and noticed a blue/purple like colour around the anal opening (not sure if this is normal). I also noticed a red circular spot which sort of looks like a cut. I'm not sure how to describe it so I took a picture because it was the only way I could see what I was looking at -
Apart from this I feel quite healthy, eating normal, no abdominal pain etc. I'm so freaked out the blood might be something very serious like cancer. I dread going to the toilet.