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Hi, I'm new .

Postby suzy508 » 09 Jul 2012, 16:49

I'm new to this forum, have "known" I've had Celiac Disease for 9 years. Although Iv'e had it longer. In the last few months Iv'e developed a fissure...now I know hell. I'm doing my best to heal it without surgery, and was hoping I might get some advice from others. And if I can help anyone, I'd be delighted.
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Re: Hi, I'm new .

Postby Lionheart » 10 Jul 2012, 00:13

Hey Suzy.
Well first thing you need is to go see a CRS, and he or she will give you either NITRO or INFIDIPINE cream. If you fissure is bad and can not be healed by cream he or she might suggest botox injections.
-Try to maintain a high fiber diet, fruits, veggies, bran cereal etc.
-Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters a day.
-A daily dose of miralax to keep stools soft.
-If you have to use the bathroom just go don't hold it, and try not to strain.
-Metamucil once a day.
-No wiping, use water to rinse, keep area dry and clean.
-At least one sitz bath a day.
-Try to remain emotionally balanced and calm it helps.
-And last but not least pray your gonna need it.
Good luck and God bless
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Re: Hi, I'm new .

Postby Sue27uk » 10 Jul 2012, 03:01

Hi Suzy,
Well first I'll start by saying welcome! Sorry you have to be here but hopefully you'll get some advice and help. I've been around this forum for a while, so have a read around, you should find some good tips and advice. Unfortunately everyone is different, so difficult to say exactly what works, it took me months to figure it out. Some good advice from Lionheart above there.
As a long term sufferer, I would say definitely: drink lots of water, eat healthily. I would get onto diltiazem or rectogesic (or nitro as its known in the US) which I apply twice daily.
All of the following is what works for me: one dulcoease(docusate sodium) per day and small amount of lactulose. Aloe vera gel has provided some relief, however aloe vera tablets gave me diarrhoea. Using a baby wipe helped at first but after you have been to the loo I suggest using a damp cotton wool ball to help instead of wiping.
Some people have found relief from: movicol, sitz baths (I bought a portable bidet), olive oil, vitamin E tablets (which promotes healing), manuka honey, vitamin B as they have found a deficiency. I can't comment on all these as haven't tried them, thought I would try and summarise it for you!! I have just had surgery and botox so its a bit different for me. If the cream doesn't work you always have the option of botox injections, which relax the muscle without any long term effects. Some people have found this works by itself alone, and is not strictly surgery like LIS/fissurotomy/advanced flap procedure/fissurectomy. I hope you don't have to get to the botox stage though!
Hope some of this is helpful and gives you something to go on and try! :)
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Re: Hi, I'm new .

Postby suzy508 » 10 Jul 2012, 09:45

Thank you so much Lionheart and Sue! It really is a painful and rough condition to be in, and the advice and support is a comfort. Unfortunately, the fissure I have was caused because I have Celiac Disease which can cause diarrhea. So I can bulk up on fiber, and will continue with the cream. Fingers crossed, I hope you are both finding some relief as well. Thanks again, Suzy
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