Hi, please help


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Hi, please help

Postby Worrier12345 » 07 Oct 2013, 06:18

Hello everyone,

I have been following this forum since I was diagnosed in February but this is my first post. Please let me simply explain my situation:

I have had anal bleeding on and off for years and always assumed it was hemmorhoids and did not seek help. I saw several GPs over the first few months as the bleeding, though intermittent was still occuring, and though the pain was nowhere near as intense as most of the stories I have read here, there was discomfort.

This problem started taking over my life. I changed my diet, my daily habits, I drink less alcohol and go out less. I became very well aquainted with my anus - I discovered that the lump I always though was a pile was probably a skin tag from a previous or the current fissure. It is a small lump of skin about the size of my little finger nail, at the anterior midline (towards my scrotum).

Over the months I was prescribed various things. With GTN cream I was healed for 6 weeks. Only to experience more bleeding when I stopped using it. I must point out - I don't think I've ever had spasms, my pain is usually limited to a tearing sensation when I have a bowel movement, although I often feel a certain amount of discomfort throughout the day.

Fed up with not being properly healed, I asked the GP to refer me to a specialist at the hospital. Just so I could get someone to do a proper examination and give me a proper diagnosis - the doctor agreed and said that he was also worried that I had lost a lot of weight - which I told them was because I was so worried about eating because of the fissure. A couple of months ago - when I was going through a seemingly good phase - I saw a CRS at the hospital. He inspected me with an anuscope and said that although he could see some scar tissue where the skin tag was he could see no fissure. He said he wanted me to have a colonoscopy because of the weight loss and to check everything was ok. I didn't really want to have it done, as I knew the reason for the weight loss was due to eating less because of the fissure.

Anyway, I had the colonoscopy last Friday. The actual procedure and prep weren't too bad as I'd fasted sufficiently and used plenty of vaseline for prep day. In the weeks leading up to it I'd only been having very mild, intermittent bleeding and discomfort.

Unfortunately, I asked the endoscopist to check for the fissure just before the procedure. I assumed he would use the scope, but he did a rather rough digital exam, which hurt a lot, before informing me that, yes, I had a fissure in the middle of the skin tag.

3 days after that, I'm now bleeding every day. My skin tag seems more swollen than usual, and I feel I am back where I was 8 months ago. The colonscopy didn't find anything wrong, as I knew it wouldn't, and I just feel utterly depressed.

What do I do now? Go back to the GP? Go back to the hospital? I feel pathetic that I cannot cope anymore, even though my fissure is nowhere near as bad as most of the people on here. I honestly have started feeling like giving up. This has taken over 8 months of my life and I can't go through another 8 months.

Is it just something I should learn to live with? Should I just get used to bleeding intermittently for the rest of my life? I have a history of obsessive thoughts and anxiety - should I just assume it is this taking over?

One of my biggest concerns: Left untreated, will my fissure become an abcess because it is tucked behind the skin tag? I have a little trouble keeping the area clean because of the small flap skin. Does this mean that it could get infected.

Sorry for the long post, but I just needed to get it all out. I've missed a lot of things out here. My head is just jumbled up with thinking about this every minute of the day for 8 months.
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Re: Hi, please help

Postby Deleted User 3078 » 07 Oct 2013, 08:43

Hi Worrier,

I think it's quite natural to lose weight with a fissure. I've lost about 5 kg and have bleeding too. And I've been dealing with this thing for two and a half years! I also use the GTN cream and whenever I stop using it the bleeding comes back; so I just use it all the time now. It doesn't seem to ever heal the fissure so I'm switching over to diltiazem soon.

Unfortunately you can't rush healing a fissure. I saw a specialist last week and they told me that you have to be patient, even though it could take years to heal. I guess when it's ready to heal it will happen. That's the way I see it now, and do my best to ignore it. I've seen countless doctors and specialists over the years and they all tell me the same thing.

Eating a lot of fruit and vegetables and drinking plenty of water are positive actions to take. Meditation for the mind, yoga and walking seem to help in coping with the fissure too, I find. And try not to panic when having a BM so you don't tense up down there. I try to breath deeply into my lower abdomen and let it come naturally without straining at all. I just bought a doughnut cushion for sitting painlessly which is the best thing I've done in years! It really takes the pressure off your butt.

Good luck!
Deleted User 3078

Re: Hi, please help

Postby Deleted User 2950 » 07 Oct 2013, 10:49

Hi Worrier12345

Thanks for stopping by for help and reassurance as we will try to direct you to the proper steps to take. Please, do not give up, you must fight this very pro-actively.

Those skin tags are mostly harmless and comes with the fissure. I had them and they all dissapeared as they were really smallish. Its important to know that there are two types of skin tags and to identify which type you may have.

http://www.crohnsforum.com/wiki/Anal-Skin-Tags (to identify yours)

Mine never swelled so you may have the 2nd type. Either way, many people here just focus on treating the fissure itself and keeping the area clean as your concerns about an infection or abscess are warranted. I would continue to see a CRS to make sure it is not turning into an abscess if your conditions and swelling worsen.

Are you experienceng any discharge of pus down there?

Yeah losing weight and being scared to eat are pretty normal as I went through that too. @ 185 normally during my fissure battles I would dip into the 160 range.

The most important things you can do for yourself now is to keep your stools nice and soft anyway you can. Please try not to strain while on the toilet. A good diet of fruits and veggies including fiber rich foods (not too much insoluble fiber though).

And if you need too taking laxatives like Miralax along with keeping he area clean after a bm and not wiping with TP (toilet paper) which can be too harsh but using wet wipes and even soaking the area with a shower head or in the tub often will help cut down on infection. Please also make sure you drink enough water throughout the day.

If the one CRS says he did not see a fissure it may be advisable to get a second opinion. Yes your fissure may turn into an abscess so continue to see a CRS.

Heres hoping for all the very best to you....


P.S. No, There's no reason you should have to just live with this and accept it. Fight it, keep fighting it, until its gone.
Deleted User 2950

Re: Hi, please help

Postby Worrier12345 » 08 Oct 2013, 06:15

Thank you to both of you for your replies.

I went to see the GP again today to find out what course of action is best. He told me to call the hospital to get a follow up appointment with a specialist. I've left a message with them and now waiting to hear.

The GP said the colonoscopy has ruled out any serious disorders such as IBD and Crohns - which is a good thing - but I always knew this to be the case, I just want the fissure healed. He took a look at my anus and said that the skin tag was nothing to worry about and shouldn't cause any problems beyond being a bit annoying hygiene-wise. He didn't probe any deeper to look at the fissure because he didn't want to make things worse. He also didn't prescribe anything, said just let things heal naturally until I can see the specialist.

I'm just worried that either I'll get to see the specialist and he'll say that since I'm not in a lot of pain I should just deal with it.

How long can this go on for realistically? I'm not in a great deal of pain, just discomfort, when it bleeds it isn't a huge amount - usually about 2-3 wipes and it's gone. I don't have spasms, but my stool is usually thin, even though it often feels like it's going to be a whopper when it's coming out! So I guess my fissure is on the mild side of things - might it just stay like that forever? Is it likely to get worse if it doesn't get better?

The GP said today that these things can go on for a long time, and that I may have to learn to accept that. The thing is - it's been 9 months already, and now I feel like I'm back to where I was to begin with. I've been following tips from this forum for months - drinking water, eating fruit and fibre, sitz baths etc.

I just want to not have to think about it any more, I feel like I have driven myself insane and now, and possibly for the rest of my life, this will be gnawing away at me.

On a positive note, there was no blood today with my BM, just a rather sore, raw feeling that hasn't gone away yet.

Although I feel a little better today, I still feel like I'm hanging by a thread. I know if I bleed tomorrow I'll be consumed by anxiety and misery again. Thanks for taking the time to listen to me whine.
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Re: Hi, please help

Postby Deleted User 2950 » 08 Oct 2013, 12:49


Its good to hear that your colonoscopy did not see anything like IBS. Yes, unforftunately your GP was right when he told you that beating this can take a while.

How long can this go on for realistically you ask,...hmmm, lets just say if you do nothing for the most part to change things like I did when I first got mine, then it can keep returning and you'll be in a cycle of healing and re-tearing for years.

Here's where you can turn all your worrying into a pro-active treatment plan to nip this thing in the bud. Remember Fissures and hemmy's most often come about by too much straining and hard stools, so if your in a habit of doing and having this, now is the time to change that. You must find a good routine of eating, bathing, applying the creams, finding what foods to avoid, taking in the right amount of water, etc.

All this takes time but to really beat a stubborn fissure this is what you must do. With the proper care, you can obtain complete healing within weeks and never have any setbacks. But all too often, we just do not know what it takes and we are hesitant to put in the time and determination to eat or do those other things that we know we should to receive total healing as soon as possible.

Yes, all too often we think we have done all that was necessary but realize too late that we should not have done this or should not have been using that or should not have eaten this. So Worrier12345, regardless of what your CRS says or does for you, now is the time for you to start fighting this while your at home. you have the tips and tricks here, start incorporating them into your daily life and soon you'll start to see what works and what does not and that's when total healing can take place.

Ultimately you can and will become totally pain-free again down there, take it from me, I surely thought that after a two decade battle with recurring fissures where I would only have a few months of reprieve that this was going to stay with me, until I said enough is enough. Then like a maniac, I went on a one man all out assault into beating the crap into any way I knew how out of those fissures.

Got get 'em '12345 :D
Deleted User 2950

Re: Hi, please help

Postby Now66 » 08 Oct 2013, 14:49

So stick around and dump your worries here with the rest of us. I went 3 months on nitro, fiber, Miralax, and lots of water dreading the next BM. I even set up for surgery with the CRS when suddenly, a BM wasn't so bad. I immediately canceled the surgery and have continued to improve ever since - though I am ever so careful to keep after this.
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Re: Hi, please help

Postby Worrier12345 » 09 Oct 2013, 04:55

Thanks again for your kind words. Buttastic, that's a great pep talk - I appreciate it a lot.

Still waiting to hear from the hospital for an appointment with the specialist. Today there was no blood again with my BM. Unfortunately I'm experiencing some soreness while walking now. It has been like this since the colonoscopy retear. I've not had this before.

As a veteran of anxiety I know I shouldn't let this take over my mind. But today, as always, there is a new fear developing. I'm now worrying about scar tissue and whether prolonged retearing will mean more scar tissue, which will result in never healing fully. Has anyone out there had fissure scar tissue that healed properly?
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