How big?

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How big?

Postby Lsfb1989 » 15 May 2018, 11:33


Pretty sure we left TMI at the door when we signed up for this forum, but I am sure my Fissure is growing wider. This is just horrendous. Waiting to see CRS in Aug (but on cancellation list just in case). It used to be small, perhaps the size of an apple seed. Now its pea sized and gaping open. Has anyone else seen theirs- could you tell me if yours has grown?
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Re: How big?

Postby patience_and_healing » 20 May 2018, 16:13

I've never been able to see mine. But yours sounds like a really uncomfortable situation. Can you request to be seen earlier on an urgent basis?
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
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Re: How big?

Postby Lsfb1989 » 21 May 2018, 01:09

I did, but am in UK and the NHS is just dying here. I dont have the option of going private, and my CRS doesnt do that :( thanks for replying.
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Re: How big?

Postby chachacha » 21 May 2018, 08:44

I can't believe that an individual doctor's office wouldn't have the compassion to squeeze you in, or call you if someone else cancels their appointment! I'm in Canada, and we have free medical services too (except that we have no dental or drug coverage), and we can always call to ask to be put on a waiting list, or "squeezed in", if we are in great need of seeing the doctor quickly. Also, our GP can also ask to have a specialist see us "urgently".
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
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Re: How big?

Postby Lsfb1989 » 21 May 2018, 08:50

Im definitely on the cancellation list, and I work in the building next to the hospital, so they know I can get in with next to no warning. I did go to the GP recently as I had an infection of the fissure, but to my surprise he didnt want to see it - pretty sure he would have been shocked at the growth
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