How did your fissure happen?

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Re: How did your fissure happen?

Postby Okaybum » 03 Aug 2019, 20:27

SueMac wrote:That's great! Kfc actually out me into a massive downward spiral so I avoid that now!!!
Someone told me molasses is good for hard stools so What you are trying is along same lines. My issue is something will work then my body adapts and it stops working. This is so annoying as I would keep on one food or drink forever even if I hated it if it worked. E.g. Rhubarb used to work now doesn't.

Same for me, Sue. It's unbelievably frustrating. I wish I could be given something and told take this, it will fix you. lol.

I was doing really well. Solid bm's. Perfect. Now I'm back to crapping myself :lol: diarrhea which makes my bum sore. The kiddo got gastro (diarrhea started earlier for me.)

It all started Thurs. We'd night we had hello fresh meal which was Korean beef. By the following afternoon I kept feeling the need to poop but unable to go. I got home, no power. Line was dead to our home. Stress ensued and the feeling to poop went away. That scared me more. An hour passed and I made the decision to drink a little prune juice. It has helped me before. Quite recently.

Hahaha. First mistake. 1 microsecond warning I need to poop and I pooped. Of course it's dark, I can't see. So I made the call to take off my clothes and wash off in the shower. It was a good call. But then I was terrified. The electric guys came. I had to go outside and talk to them but I survived. I had 2 normal BM. All was well. Kid then got gastro. I made the mistake of drinking grape juice and then an iced latte. Mostly made it. All diarrhea still but I'm able to make it again.

I've now reduced my movicol to 1.5 sachets. (Which is apparently about a full dose of miralax. After researching movicol is less than miralax)

Anyway getting behind on water so time to go drink. (I'm not sure if my inability to stop the screaming fast diarrhea with botox means I shouldn't have an lis ever or not. It's a frightening prospect. Diarrhea now makes me more sore than solid stools. )
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Re: How did your fissure happen?

Postby SueMac » 09 Aug 2019, 03:53

Oh goodness okaybum poor you what a night!! This was a few days ago now so I hope you have recovered?
agree diarrhea can make you more sore and that burn feeling than a solid sometimes. It's hard to find a balance. I'm doing well right now and I'm using half sachet movicol and glass prune juice per day. And a fruit salad or fruit generally. That seems right combo for me but it's finely balanced as a hot day can make you dehydrated etc. Here in the UK we only a few hot days so most of the year I can gauge my fluid intake quite well.
I really can't advise you on the LIS or not to LIS - but others on the forum might be worth a chat to.
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Re: How did your fissure happen?

Postby Okaybum » 09 Aug 2019, 04:13

Thanks Sue. Unfortunately, I had the luck of swinging back the other way. I'm not sure if it was my period, too much fiber (as I added raisin bran into my diet, first day I had diarrhea, second day it was large, painful BM) or if it was switching from movicol to osmolax.

I felt a sharp pain at the fissure, no blood, but lots of stinging for a minute later. I switched back to movicol. Sharp pain followed today with more stinging, then tonight no pain but stinging. However, in between I'm feeling ok now. It's not a huge step back but unfortunate anyway. I've decided my pain now isn't anywhere near my pain after surgery.

As for the lis, I'd probably just need to avoid too much juice lol for a little while and I'd be fine.
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Re: How did your fissure happen?

Postby SueMac » 10 Aug 2019, 09:16

Sounds promising okaybum-you’ve recovered quickly, I think this is a healing sign. When I had a bad back a few years ago I would have setbacks that took weeks and a lot of physio to get over then as time went on I recovered from setbacks faster and faster and now I have no back pain and when I do I recover in a few days. Our bodies need lots of time as we get a bit older, I’m 44 and I think it just takes time and patience which is tough but we can recover, hope you have it sorted for a while now!!
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Re: How did your fissure happen?

Postby Okaybum » 10 Aug 2019, 09:54

Thank you so very much for sharing that experience. My mum and mother in law and husband have said just that but to hear an actual experience somehow makes it actually seem true. Today was no pain for the first 2 BM, had a surprise BM late tonight that was normal sized and it felt huge and hurt but only just a little bit. Nothing like yesterday and yesterday wasn't bad. No stinging. Overall I'm feeling pretty good. I will get through this.
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Re: How did your fissure happen?

Postby SueMac » 12 Aug 2019, 09:59

You will okaybum and have an "okaybum" again! Setbacks are so demoralising but your family are right my mum says the same and did about my back and she was right - it got better. My back took around 2 years in total I'd say but there is no set timescale we are all different. I think our bodies can "overreact" to pain so whereas a normal person would shrug off a slightly sore BM, our bodies panic and go into full pain mode. It seemed to be what my back was all about anyway, eventually I taught it not to panic and tense up and my bottom is the same I believe. I may be talking rubbish but this is my theory and backs up stuff I've read.
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Re: How did your fissure happen?

Postby Okaybum » 12 Aug 2019, 15:47

Yep, everything you're saying is totally what I've read/heard too. I just needed to hear it again (and to keep telling myself that over and over). I've started trying to have hypnosis/meditation on relaxing my body. Also, I've come to the conclusion I may be eating enough fiber and it's causing hard large stools with the supplement. The dietitian has told me my diet is on point. I have had slow, hard to pass bm with a good diet (of course anxiety me was all guess you can no longer eat with this thing) but my brain was told that maybe it's too much fiber. So I stopped the fiber supplement. I figured it'd take a few days to see an effect but no. Today was much easier. My nerves are calming. I'm going to go see a NASA geobiologist with my daughter tonight (it's science week and she loves it) I was worried about havng to sit after sitting at work but I think I'll be ok. I'm learning that to heal, one can't just exist, one needs to find enjoyment and live their life.
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Re: How did your fissure happen?

Postby SueMac » 21 Aug 2019, 04:03

Hi okaybum I totally agree with your philosophy. and listening to your body as well with regard to diet. How have you been these last few days? I'm in a bit of a rut. I have some very minor soreness at fissure site it feels like I am almost free of the daily pain but it's still Just there and a little worse after a bm.and my bm are fine but they still cause irritstion. I guess I should be positive as it's minor not ruining my life. I hoped I never go back to that.
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Re: How did your fissure happen?

Postby Okaybum » 21 Aug 2019, 07:29

I know what you mean. I'm doing ok. Had my follow up appt with my crs. I told her that I'm not in pain, have general soreness if I sit too much but no bm pain. She did not check me because she wasn't going to interfere with my healing. Colonoscopy was totally clear. When she got in, she couldn't tell where the bleeding was from as I had hemorrhoids, so she wasn't sure if it was them or the fissure. She burned off the hems to see the fissure and decided it was chronic but healing well.

All in all, sounds like hems were my issue. She was surprised I was still on stool softeners (taking 2x movicol morning, 2x Coloxyl at night) I will try to reduce it soon but my stress levels were high so I've not done so yet (also ate pizza tonight as we got home late after the long drive

I'm sorry to hear that you have minor soreness but good it's not bad. Is it possible it's just irritated from the heat or sweat? It's summer there yeah?
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Re: How did your fissure happen?

Postby SueMac » 23 Aug 2019, 05:12

Hi okaybum that all sounds really great news!! I’m really pleased for you. Will you have a follow up appointment or do you just hope the healing continues and no need to go back?
I don’t know why the soreness persists . I think my body is maybe guarding and over protecting . Reason I say this is because this is what happened with my back and now that fine after retraining it to not go into spasm every damn second!! There’s nothing a crs can do but I’m still seeing the pelvic therapist. Sometimes she helps sometimes it make no difference!!
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