How long does nifipedine take to work?

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How long does nifipedine take to work?

Postby Mandah2386 » 21 Feb 2018, 11:04

I got my rx yesterday. I had my husband help me apply it last night. Once with a cotted finger and last with a qtip. It hurt so bad and he barely got even a fingernail in before I had to have him stop. This morning I only applied it to the outside. Does it get easier? Bm still very painful. I know it isn't going to happen overnight but how long before I start to feel relief? And at what stage do I need to consider other options. I have had this for a month. I don't see how people deal with this for months or years. My mind is constantly on my booty!
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Re: How long does nifipedine take to work?

Postby Eiffel bum » 21 Feb 2018, 11:54

I initially tried nifedipine before getting my surgery done and it helped with the pain. You need to apply it inside . Take a pea size of it on ur finger tip with help medical gloves and the hen Try to breath in while trying push your finger inside. I was really really scared to apply it inside with my finger first, it will hurt just a bit for initial 1-2 days but the moment you apply it properly inside you will feel instant relief. I felt that and with it use a good stool softener that has polyethylene glycol 3350 as ingredient that will make your stool soft. Stay away from softeners that make stool bulky. Change ur diet to more of veggies and fruits avoid others foods. All the best
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Re: How long does nifipedine take to work?

Postby Eiffel bum » 21 Feb 2018, 11:56

For complete healing with nifedipine it may take more than six weeks and you should apply it religiously for that period twice or thrice a day and maintain diet too. I had a chronic fissure with sentinal pile so got LIS as I was not gonna heal with just nifedipine but it did help me with pain, at times there was no pain at all after applying it.
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Re: How long does nifipedine take to work?

Postby Hopefull123 » 21 Feb 2018, 12:20

It took about three weeks for me to notice the difference, but everyone's recovery time is different. I applied it with q tip only because there was no way at the time to stick my finger.
Eiffel, how are you doing after your surgery
Do you eat everything now without lacatives?
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Re: How long does nifipedine take to work?

Postby Eiffel bum » 22 Feb 2018, 12:24

Hopeful it's been 6 weeks past I got my surgery done. I feeling a lot better. I still eat lots of veggies with all my meals, brown rice, yogurt, chocolates ice creams and lots of fruits sometime chicken too. Haven't experimented much with the food yet. I still take laxative after dinner. My doc said I can stop now, so will slowly start reducing the quantity and eventually stop it. LIS is the best cure available to do away with the fissure pain. My CRS (first I saw gastroenterologist who told me to use nifedipine) offered me surgery right next day he saw me. I said yes and I almost feel I can go back to my normal life.
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