How much miralax do you take?


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How much miralax do you take?

Postby Fissuretraveler » 27 Apr 2018, 11:10

I’m 110 lb female (down 20 since fissure) who has had a SAD procedure in February with fairly good results. As I started to eat normal amounts of food my stools became very large in diameter. Even with benefiber, stool softener, and MOM. Starting taking miralax per request of my GI doctor, started with 1/3 of a cap for a week and 1/2 this was great until yesterday I had severe cramping and in the bathroom numerous times. Makes for an unhappy bum. Does anyone out there take just a teaspoon of miralax and get good results.?
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Re: How much miralax do you take?

Postby chachacha » 27 Apr 2018, 11:37

Miralax takes several days to kick in, so the fact that you had a bad time yesterday, indicates that the 1/3 might be too much for your system to handle. I cannot stress strongly enough, that what works well for one person is just as likely to work OR not work for another. Our digestive systems are extremely unique, so the only way to determine a dose that's good for you would be by trial and error. I did well on just one teaspoon myself, but I think that a low dose like that is not par for the course. Good luck finding what works for you - I hope that it doesn't take too long.
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Re: How much miralax do you take?

Postby Kacenka » 27 Apr 2018, 14:19

I used to take half of the dose. I had to take Miralax recently because I was traveling and things got a little backed up. I took the full dose and I did go but it burned and something inside felt strange. I know I have an internal hemorrhoid there which doesn't normally bother me so I'm now wondering if Miralax aggravated it. I hadn't felt this for months and this one time I did again. The next day I was back to normal. Maybe you're just not the best candidate for Miralax. Maybe try nuts and less Benefiber if you think it's making it bigger. I didn't think Benefiber does that but who knows. I eat pecans every day and they are really helpful.
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Re: How much miralax do you take?

Postby Fissuretraveler » 27 Apr 2018, 14:52

Thanks for your reply’s. Chachacha, interesting that a teaspoon worked for you. I think I will start there. There is no need to pass the quantity of stool that I have been passing, really aggravates things. Kacenka I do love nuts but have stayed away from them because I thought they added bulk.
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