How to Heal Removed Sentinal Pile

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How to Heal Removed Sentinal Pile

Postby littlebutterfly » 10 May 2013, 06:25

Yes. I am one week out of LIS/Fissurectomy. I realize that while I have pain inside of my anus for sure. The worst is where he cut away the pile above the six o'clock opening. The tissue is visibly white and obviously open and cut down. That is where the burning and pain is the worse. I was wondering if anyone had any natural tips on how to help that scar tissue close up and heal. That I believe would help make the bean bearable. It burns to have anything come in contact with it and is so very raw and delicate. Thoughts? Like arnica oil, tamanu oil, salves, what heals?
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Re: How to Heal Removed Sentinal Pile

Postby pinpin » 31 May 2013, 00:45

The answer here is time.
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound. Link to story
11.12.2013 - LIS surgery
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Re: How to Heal Removed Sentinal Pile

Postby hunter/jumpergirl » 15 Jul 2013, 19:33

Hi I had LIS and a sentinal pile removed on July 5th. It is itchy now and my pile, although lessened where the CRS did remove some (it looks smaller) has stitches and really pulls and bothers me. Has yours tightened up and shrunk any? When did your stitches dissolve? thanks and any advice is appreciated since you have been through this already...
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Re: How to Heal Removed Sentinal Pile

Postby ribbon » 02 Jan 2015, 08:13

I got sentile pile removed 3 days back and had first bowel...from then I am having repeated bowels for 3-4 times a day...please suggest
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Re: How to Heal Removed Sentinal Pile

Postby Turk the cat » 04 Jan 2015, 19:23

A comment on the Sentinel Tag removal recovery and a suggestion for pain relief.

On Dec 1st I had LIS/hem's/sentinel tag taken care of. I was absolutely shocked at how PUFFY the surgical areas got. I should have known, but still, it was a surprise. Happily, in my case at least, after a few weeks, especially on the LIS side the puffiness had gone down tremendously. In fact, for most of the time the "hemmy" looking LIS area is kind of tucked under my bum.

However, the Sentinel Tag (ST) portion really is a different matter. It still gets puffy, but nowhere near as bad as before, and I suspect this is because the fissure itself is not yet healed. Aside from being puffy the skin itself feels way more sensitive then the LIS area. Possibly b/c of how ST was taken out (I haven't a clue if cut, well, probably, or cauterized.)

I had purchased Calmoseptine cream upon the recommendation of postings on the AF site. I was wary b/c of the menthol in it, and also of the comment on an AF posting that ran along the lines of how it felt, so great (!) like having a Vicks Vaporub places on the area. Yikes! No thank you.

Anyhow, I ran this by my CRS and he said to try "Vaseline or Calmoseptine" and while I'm not sure how Vaseline would help with discomfort from ST/LIS, I finally got up the urge to try the Calmoseptine. They say to use a little bit, and the first time I used too much. Trust me, take what you think you'll need, and half it.

I wanted to use this product to reduce inflation (check) and take away pain (check...with correct dose.)

I found it soothing, numbing and basically it took my mind off the situation. Most of the AF group postings seem to be a few years old (usually not a problem) but perhaps they've change the product a bit, as it easily washed off my hands, and hasn't stained clothing (although I'm using just a titch.) Also, I'm only using once or twice a day, just to make sure it doesn't start to irritate the area.

I also wouldn't use this on the ST/LIS area that may still be only a few weeks old and not yet on the way to healing.

I too, would like to hear the lowdown on how people progressed with both ST recovery.
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Re: How to Heal Removed Sentinal Pile

Postby Turk the cat » 04 Jan 2015, 19:24

Ribbon. Type in your questions in the SEARCH area at top right of page. You will be directed to many years of postings from people on this AF group. Good luck!
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