Ook ik heb 4 dagen geleden een lis gehad. Maar ik heb echt vreselijke napijn gehad niet normaal
Ik kan nog steeds niet zitten maar alleen beetje liggen op mijn zij. Ook erg last van mijn darmen gisteren ook diarree misschien door de medicijnen???
6 years and multiple procedures later
Return to LIS - Considering surgery or already had it?
Suffering2long wrote:Hey bburr3535,
Thanks for your reply! I’m pleased with the way things are going. If you get an lis, you won’t regret it.
With your specialist appointment, keep in mind that they might want to try more conservative options first. Unless you see a surgeon that is confident doing lis often. I saw 2 surgeons over the years that filled me with hope but ultimately were too scared for me to have this surgery. I had to do lots of research to find a surgeon that was willing to help instantly.
The past few days have been good for me. Very minimal discomfort. Lots of itching. I even felt some slight burning but I know these things take time for nerves to settle down.
I keep taking my softener but starting to realise I may not need it as everything is coming out super easy now. It just makes everything way too soft and I find myself going to the bathroom at night which is unusual for me.
Suffering2long wrote:Upbeatpete, my recovery was going so well. I kept getting more confident and things were not painful. I went back to work at 10 days post surgery with just a bit of itch and some slight uncomfortable feeling but not too bad. The distraction was nice.
unfortunately I got some burning with a larger BM yesterday and overcompensated with laxative. Today I had three loose BM and some soreness. I saw a tiny spec of blood too.
I have read that it can take months to fully recover. Some people have little setbacks and still get back to 100%….I’m not sure. I’ll have to wait and see what happens from here. Hopefully the lis prevents spasms and allows healing of whatever this is.
Natasja/tassie2022 wrote:Ja de dag na de ingreep ontlasting gehad en ook bloedverlies nu 2 weken later bijna geen pijn meer na de ontlasting.
Ik ben nu aan het afkicken van de tramadol wat een ellende ik slaap niet ben ziek hartkloppingen
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