I just don't know what to do anymore........

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Re: I just don't know what to do anymore........

Postby sue30uk » 27 Aug 2015, 05:20

Hello both, good to hear from you too! I have had lots of operations, from the beginning I had a bartholins abscess drained, then various ops/procedures for fistulas, fissures and most recently a pilonidal sinus. I now have pressure underneath which gets to horrendous levels and only antibiotics seem to work though no one knows why. The bartholin's gland is not blocked or infected but when it's bad I struggle to poo aswell. I am having anaesthetic and steroid injection into the vulva (eek I know) in 2 weeks time to see if it helps. Unfortunately it seems to be between the back and front so I may ask if an MRI scan would be useful. I have been examined at the back and the guy said the sinus op has almost healed and there were no fissures or anything. But when the pressure gets bad the fissures tear open which would indicate swelling but there is none evident when they look. It's horrendous and I must admit things are getting me rather down again. I'm back to work again next week and dreading it, am considering resigning to be honest to try and get all this sorted as I may not be able to do my job if I can't sit down. Sorry don't mean to moan, am getting quite down again if I'm honest and if it gets too bad I'm going back to the docs for help. Glad to hear some of you are ok, strictly I shouldn't be on here as the problem seems to be at the front now but the back is still not 100% :)
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Re: I just don't know what to do anymore........

Postby sue30uk » 06 Sep 2015, 10:48

Hi OMB, I've had lots of operations, but my most recent was for the pilonidal sinus. I am on all my regular stuff, plus now started the pill and gabapentin. Am having big problems with gabapentin though, it's making me quite ill. I am seeing a gynae lady and she thinks its the pudendal nerve. I'm getting numbness in my vulva, back passage, left bum cheek and down my thigh. Sometimes this morphs into pins and needles and I have terrible pressure in my vulva. In addition to this my bum cheek is so sore when I sit, I've tried coccyx cushions, rubber rings, everything but nothing really works. Am getting quite low with all this again, feeling like I can't cope again :( I have been hearing the name Dr Baranowski in London, and Dr Greenslade in Bristol and am considering going to see one of them if things aren't under control a bit more by christmas. Are you going privately or on the NHS? What do you think of Dr Baranowski? I'm considering private. If it gets to operation stage they don't do it in the UK you know, it's best to go to France or the USA. I am so relieved to find someone else with possible pudendal problems (if you see what I mean!), I've been told it's really rare. Just my luck!! Do you think it's to do with all the surgery you have had on your back passage? The gynae has said it may be due to my gynae and colorectal operations, just my body's reactions. I've been back to work, 2 teacher days last week and it was so painful. In a primary school and the kids are back tomorrow, don't know how I will cope to be honest. Do people even work with this? It seems impossible!! What physio are you getting? :) xx
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Re: I just don't know what to do anymore........

Postby owmybum » 07 Sep 2015, 16:00

Ugh... Sue... Sounds like its been horrible for you!

I was on gabapentin..... It took a while to get used to it and the symptoms to settle down. Stick with it ... It will be worth it if it helps.

No, I don't see dr Baranowski privately I was referred. There is a very long waiting list though, so if you want to be seen by him best to get the ball rolling ASAP.

Yes, I do think it's all the surgery I have had. All the stretching, clamping, cutting, sewing, injecting....... My nerves are shredded down there!!

I had to give up work. I'm so glad I did as when I have a bad couple of days there is no way I could do anything. I appreciate how lucky I am that I don't have to work. There are many with this hellish pain that have no choice.... My heart goes out to them.

It's natural to feel down... You have had alot to deal with for a very long time. Hopefully the gabapentin will start to give you some relief, and you can have pain free or at least much reduced pain days.

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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