I need LIS, what do I do?

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Re: I need LIS, what do I do?

Postby Tight5 » 31 Mar 2014, 10:43

Hey, at a little past 4 weeks since surgery I'm willing to call it a success so far. For whatever reason today has been the only significant pain following a BM since the second or third day...and it's not nearly up to the pain during the fissure days. My doc told me last week that I had some granulation tissue happening at the incision but that both it and the fissure were healing as expected. He didn't seem worried about the granulation and said we'd deal with it at the next appointment if it was still there. I'm assuming that's the source of the current irritation.

As for your work situation, I never told my boss or anyone at the company what my actual ailment was...and no one asked. The only person I told in the process was from the firm that administers our disability/leave policies. This is your issue to deal with and you're not obligated to tell anyone any more than what you want. Let them spend their time speculating if that's what you want...or make up a story to have them gossip about. And don't be embarrassed...everyone you will need to tell has heard it all before, especially the docs/hospital/pharmacy/etc.

Re: Recovery...I had my surgery on a Friday and took the following week off. Going back to the office was no problem at that point. I think the literature I got from my doc said 4-6 weeks for the fissure to heal and 6-8 weeks for the incision site.
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Re: I need LIS, what do I do?

Postby FnalAissure » 01 Apr 2014, 15:02

Tight5, that's great news! Glad it's going well for you. Sounds like you're gonna rid of it for good!! So you were okay to go to work after that wekk? That's not so bad. How bad was the pain? You just take it easy, eat light and drink tons of water I'm assuming? I imagine I will just eat very little for weeks in fear of retearing.

As for taking time off, did you take short term disability and unpaid time off at your work? I was planning to use vacation hours, as much as that blows. Like I said, my company is rather small and unprofessional at times. I've never had to do this or anything.

Hopefully everything goes smoothly for me. I'm still trying to find a reputable doctor I feel I can trust. And geez, making appointments is a hassle. They all take 2 hour lunches! I thought this fissure was a pain in my ass....

Fingers crossed
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Re: I need LIS, what do I do?

Postby hannawoods » 02 Apr 2014, 11:13

i also need LIS but i am worried about infection after LIS and then it will be a fistula.. now i really want to get standardized anal dilatation..
(sorry for my english)
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Re: I need LIS, what do I do?

Postby Tight5 » 02 Apr 2014, 13:48

The pain I've had since surgery has been minimal. Most BMs have passed with almost no pain and then I've had a little bit of discomfort in the hours following...but nothing close to to fissure pain. I took things VERY easy for the first few days, drank a lot of fluids and ate almost all soft foods...fruits, soups, vegetables, refried beans, etc. I also started with Miralax right after surgery. One dose every night. I've added more "normal" food in the past couple of weeks but am trying to make sure the fruits/veggies/beans remain centerpieces of the diet.

Yes, I was able to take paid short-term disability and not use any of my vacation time...but I work for a large corporation that has to have these polices in place if only to avoid chaos. I don't fully understand how the laws work and what your situation might be but I would assume there is some sort of policy in place to deal with these situations. If not, check the laws in your state. There should be some guidance for employers to follow.

Good luck.
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Re: I need LIS, what do I do?

Postby FnalAissure » 11 Apr 2014, 18:12

Wow guys. It's a damn miracle!!! I went to see a surgeon today and was very very nervous of what they were going to tell me and possible pain I would ensue. They think it has healed completely!!! I was in awe! I'm still in disbelief because I've dealt with this for almost 3 years! I feel sorta stupid! How did I not know?!?! Fingers crossed it really is gone!! I'm still going to be very cautious and eat CLEAN!

Thanks for all your help and support! I wish the best of luck to all of you who deal with this! I know I got lucky but don't give up hope! Stay strong!!!!!

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Re: I need LIS, what do I do?

Postby hannawoods » 19 May 2014, 23:39

woooowwwww :):):)
btw do you still use Miralax every day?
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