I think I have an Anal Fissure (pics of poop and blood!)

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Re: I think I have an Anal Fissure (pics of poop and blood!)

Postby Fissurefrustration » 01 Mar 2015, 18:32

A urologist is a doctor yes and should know what a fissure is through basic med training however they specialise in everything on the front half. Reproduction, urine, renal. They won't look up your bum to diagnose a fissure as it's not their area of practice. They probably don't even stock anal speculums! They would most likely sympathise and refer you on to a colorectal specialist.

It's the same as having a fissure being under the care of a colorectal consultant and you come down with urinary problems - they wouldn't be able to diagnose and would refer you to a urologist. When it comes to these problems it's so important to get the right diagnosis and treatment and that's only something a trained specialist can provide - I know it's a bother but in the long run it will be worth it I promise.
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Re: I think I have an Anal Fissure (pics of poop and blood!)

Postby Deleted User 4096 » 01 Mar 2015, 19:06

So I look for a colorectal specialist?
Deleted User 4096

Re: I think I have an Anal Fissure (pics of poop and blood!)

Postby LJP6 » 01 Mar 2015, 23:17

I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor and ask them to refer you to a specialist. Yes you might not want to be examined but it might be something more serious and by ignoring or treating it as an AF could make things worse.

I have suffered from AF's for 2-3years and have never had that much blood before but everyone is different. Definitely bite the bullet and go see your GP. You could have internal haemmorhoids as they bleed like that and they're treated differently to AF's.
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Re: I think I have an Anal Fissure (pics of poop and blood!)

Postby Scientist2516 » 01 Mar 2015, 23:38

Surely your urologist or oncologist can refer you to a colorectal surgeon. Please don't put it off, or be afraid. You apparently have a history of cancer, and I'm certain your oncologist would want a colorectal specialist to look at you. Again, please don't be afraid. The MOST likely explanation is hemorrhoids, or fissures, which could be caused by any cancer drugs that give you constipation or diarrhoea. But - get it looked at.
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Re: I think I have an Anal Fissure (pics of poop and blood!)

Postby Savaici » 03 Mar 2015, 21:13

I bleed quite regularly and had all sorts of tests done to be told that it's my internal hemorrhoids. I stopped worrying about it in the end. I still have blood, very similar to your pics, and sometimes worse. Clots not so many these days. Usually if I have more blood (red as yours!), I have not "finished", so I sit myself on my Sitz bath over the loo, bum in warm water, til I feel the need to go. After I have gone, no blood. Hope my saga helps! :smilyhug:
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Re: I think I have an Anal Fissure (pics of poop and blood!)

Postby Deleted User 4096 » 20 Mar 2015, 10:01

It's not a fissure, it's a fistula. The blood and pus were actually coming out of a different hole about an inch or two away from the anus. This hole is near the area that the pilonidal cyst usually grows, but closer to the anus.

I saw a CRS and have surgery scheduled for Wednesday. Horrible...
Deleted User 4096

Re: I think I have an Anal Fissure (pics of poop and blood!)

Postby LJP6 » 20 Mar 2015, 14:07

Glad you went to see someone and its best to get it sorted out sooner rather than later

Good luck
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Re: I think I have an Anal Fissure (pics of poop and blood!)

Postby Lovingmex3 » 21 Aug 2017, 18:28

Okay this is what's happening to me! I had the surgery, but it's been more than 5 months. It randomally started bleeding like that yesterday and today! I have no pain ( thank God) but im really concerned! I hope you feel better.
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