I think something is wrong after fissure surgery :(

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I think something is wrong after fissure surgery :(

Postby lukas4544 » 03 Mar 2018, 11:17

Hello. I am 19 years old male. I lived with chronic anal fissure almost two years. I had surgery 4 days ago. And i think something is wrong :( So its my 4 th day after the anal fissure surgery. Pain is pretty small right now. But after every time i take a poop i got a lot of blood on paper and sometimes on stool (Red blood). And after taking a poop i got a huge pain :(((( Second problem is that i still getting something on my underwears :( I tihnk its blood, because its red. Is it normal to bleed like this after the surgery 4 days ago ? Im going to my surgeron only next month. Im pretty scared.....
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Re: I think something is wrong after fissure surgery :(

Postby Mypoorbutt » 03 Mar 2018, 11:35

Hi if you think something is wrong then it’s always best to get it checked by a doctor, either your surgeon or your GP.
Some people bleed more than others and no one can tell you what is the right or expected amount.
If it doesn’t slow, then I would advise at least a phone call to the surgeon
Good luck
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