I want a bag

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I want a bag

Postby hurtinend » 30 Aug 2019, 17:46

cut out the last bit of my bowel

If I never poop out the shoot then the pain should go away

I’ll sign whatever I have to. I know, the docs won’t do it cuz it’s not cancer or bowel disease.

I just might do it myself and make an irreversible mistake, thus forcing their hand.

If I’m not functional by 2020 then well... I can’t don't want to say which ledge I will accidentally fall off.

I am absolutely done and don’t send me remedies to try.
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Re: I want a bag

Postby gobbledeegoop » 30 Aug 2019, 18:55

i read on here someone said their father had a painful fissure for 15 years that wouldn't heal, so they offered him a colostomy bag. his fissure finally healed after 2 months and they removed the bag. now he's back to normal.

i think if you push for it, they will give it to you. tell them how far this pain is pushing you.
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Re: I want a bag

Postby SueMac » 02 Sep 2019, 14:54

Hurtinend I can see how desperate you are. You really need talk to a professional about how much despair you are experiencing and how let down you feel by the healthcare profession. I feel really bad for you but there’s only so much others can offer on a forum.
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Re: I want a bag

Postby berzerker5220 » 02 Sep 2019, 22:10

Dude if this fissure is so bad that you want a bag then just do a LIS

it is the gold standard and has a pretty much 100% success rate you got nothing to lose in all honesty.

Mine seems to be healing with milk of magnesia 2 table spoon every night, my fissure which I thought would NEVER heal is about 80% healed in just 2 weeks of this magnesia and nitro cream.
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Re: I want a bag

Postby hurtinend » 03 Sep 2019, 13:28

It’s not a fissure now....apparently it’s healed

Diagnosis by CRS last week

“non relaxing puborectalus muscle band”...he was very thorough.

After looking up there he started to manually push around. I was fine until he hit on something and I literally jumped in the air with pain. He said that muscle band was hard, it should be soft

I’ll be honest the fissure was nothing compared to this pain. Severe spasm after each bm, lasting all day. Combination of severe burn with spasm

Also diagnosed with IBS they go hand in hand

Sorry I know this is a fissure board but CRS thinks my old fissure is causing my current symptoms

Sadest part is CRS told me to try rectal physio....no cure

I’m going to try to go zen on diet and lifestyle

I’ve been drinking and taking hydromorphone but my body has adjusted quickly and it doesn’t help now unless I overuse.
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Re: I want a bag

Postby SueMac » 04 Sep 2019, 04:52

A diagnosis is good though - you know what you are dealing with. MY fissure is also healed but I have pain - not like you but it's maddening to be told this and nothing to fix now. Yeah, but I'm still in pain...
Ok, so are you going to try the rectal physio?
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Re: I want a bag

Postby hurtinend » 04 Sep 2019, 13:58

SueMac wrote:A diagnosis is good though - you know what you are dealing with. MY fissure is also healed but I have pain - not like you but it's maddening to be told this and nothing to fix now. Yeah, but I'm still in pain...
Ok, so are you going to try the rectal physio?

Rectal physio....

Not sure. I’m so painful down there I’m not sure it’s possible at the moment. I know a qualified pelvic physio in my area but she doesn’t want to do anything that causes more pain...

I was very honest with her. She said I must stop alcohol...yup I use it to medicate but I think I’ve destroyed my digestive system.

She wants me to see my doctor, tell him about my alcohol abuse and devise a detox plan...then she said we can revisit her treatment.

The hardest part is the intense lower bowel pain it is debilitating. I have IBS drugs but they are useless.

My current pharmacy:

Dicetel 200 mg per day (for IBS)
morphine (15mg per day)
Ativan as needed
Gabapentin 1800mg per day
Cymbalta (antidepressant and nerve pain)
Buscopan (antispasmodic)

I’m a pharmacy the doctors don’t know what to do
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Re: I want a bag

Postby berzerker5220 » 04 Sep 2019, 18:27

Buscopan caused constipation in me I stopped it immediately.
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Re: I want a bag

Postby hurtinend » 04 Sep 2019, 21:24

berzerker5220 wrote:Buscopan caused constipation in me I stopped it immediately.

so does Dicetel
actually everything on my list is constipating

I use magnesium to offset but maybe it’s a bad mix I dunno
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Re: I want a bag

Postby SueMac » 05 Sep 2019, 03:01

Hurtinend there is plenty of evidence that painkillers are highly addictive, stop working pretty fast and cause all sorts of nasty effects like constipation , digestive issues and depression, anxiety and more. I know it sounds crazy but what about these pain management clinics that use other strategies to manage your pain levels.

Once again I’m not a doctor and I’d never suggest coming straight off anything you would need to do it gradually. I understand about drinking when I’m low I think wine will help. It usually doesn’t. Of course I don’t suppose you are meant to drink on these drugs either!!

I think you seem a little more positive which I’m really pleased to hear. I think it’s great you are in touch with a pelvic physio. Maybe even just talking to her is part of the process and I’m hoping in time you can see if she can do some gentle work with you. Mine has been so kind and patient.
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