IBD Tests, IBS & LIS

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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IBD Tests, IBS & LIS

Postby vdb324 » 16 Feb 2014, 18:45

Hi all,

Last week was a lot of medical tests for me to make sure I don't have IBD. I did an MRI, blood tests, colonoscopy, endoscopy and the video capsule pill. So far, nothing has indicated IBD, but I am still waiting on the video capsule results. The GI doctor said if nothing comes back from that, it's likely IBS.

So, it appears my LIS surgery is still on for the beginning of March. It makes me very nervous. If it is IBS, I likely have the alternating version, but there aren't really any treatments for IBS. I am hoping that after the LIS, I am able to keep the IBS at bay and hopefully prevent getting another AF. Anyone out there have IBS with LIS?
Feb. 2013 - Developed AF
July 2013 - Diagnosed AF;nifidepine lidocaine treatment
Oct. 2013 - 1st round of Botox & skin tag removal
Dec. 2013 - 2nd Botox
March 2014 - Spinchterotomy
June 2015 - Diagnosed with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction/Vulvodynia
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Re: IBD Tests, IBS & LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 18 Feb 2014, 13:15

I've had IBS for over 20 years. It's now beginning to be the alternating type after years of diarrhea only type. I've had this fissure since Sept. 2012. I'm seeing a 4th surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic in March and will likely have LIS or something. Having IBS with this scares me to death but I can't deal with this pain anymore.
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