In need of encouragement before botox!

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In need of encouragement before botox!

Postby Bambi » 12 Nov 2010, 17:29

I'm having a better day today but find myself ruminating thinking too much about my appointment for botox next Tuesday. I heard from some that there were some success stories on here about botox, but in searching, I was just getting more discouraged. The plan is to go in and have the shot (s?)- no anesthetic or anything, I can drive myself, etc...I do have Ativan around that my hubbie takes when we fly. Would you take one? Of course, I would have my dear husband drive me in that case, which I probably would do anyway. We are retired, so that is helpful in a lot of this, although I didn't intend for this to become my full time job!
Anyway- encouragement? Experiences from others?
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Re: In need of encouragement before botox!

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 13 Nov 2010, 03:08

Hey Bambi,
You'll be alright! I had botox without anesthetic and it's a very quick and simple procedure. 10-15 minutes including prep. They did put some lidocaine numbing gel around the area beforehand and that's it. I will admit that the needles did look intimidating, but the actual sensation is totally tolerable. It stings and pinches for a few seconds on each side when they give the injections but it's over before you know it.
Honestly the procedure for me was more embarrassing than anything else. I was bent over on a table while two ladies (my CRS and her assistant) spread the ol' cheeks wide and raised the table so that the "target area" was at eye level Image Definitely a wee bit awkward. Mainly I remember trying to think of random things to talk about in an attempt to defuse the social hilarity of the situation hahaha.
The area was a little bit sore afterward, so I did pop a couple of ibuprofen when it was done. But that was really because I had a 60 mile drive through heavy traffic to deal with (in a manual tranny car). I doubt you'll need any painkillers at all, although it might not be a bad idea to keep a few handy just in case the soreness is irritating. You won't be in severe pain or anything.
I don't think the Ativan would hurt, although it might be overkill. Still, if it helps ease your mind about the procedure, taking one would make it go that much smoother, so it's certainly something you can consider.
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Re: In need of encouragement before botox!

Postby Guest » 13 Nov 2010, 15:04

Good Luck Bambi, let us know how it goes :)

Re: In need of encouragement before botox!

Postby GilmoreGirl » 16 Nov 2016, 19:11

Same question here Bambi!!!

Neuropathic Guy - I'm sure you've answered these questions somewhere before, but how much pain were you in before Botox compared to after? Did the Botox itself cause any pain besides at the time of injection? If it worked for you, how long did it take before you saw a positive effect?

I would really appreciate if you get a chance to answer these questions!!

Like you Bambi I did a lot of searching and found a majority of bad Botox experiences eek
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