Is Magnesium citrate safe for long-term use?

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Re: Is Magnesium citrate safe for long-term use?

Postby Kim » 27 Dec 2018, 21:30

I've taken large doses of magnesium for muscle relaxation and a heart arrhythmia. Calcium causes muscles to contract while magnesium causes them to relax. Most people take it much more dietary calcium than they need.

I take about 1,200 mg. of magnesium daily. I use mostly oxide and some citrate. I never have diarrhea from this dose but everyone is different.

Miralax makes me dizzy and it is one of the side effects.
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Re: Is Magnesium citrate safe for long-term use?

Postby missy moo » 03 Jan 2019, 15:49

Kim or anyone else when and how do I take magnesium citrate? With or without food? Need advice asap please sick of having hard tipped stools thanks
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Re: Is Magnesium citrate safe for long-term use?

Postby Abu » 03 Jan 2019, 23:23

Missy, only take it on empty stomach. Otherwise it will impact digestion, as it neutralizes part of the stomach acid. Also, if you take it with food it will not work as a laxative. But remember, hard tips will not be solved even if you switch to citrate. Hard tips are leftovers from previous BMs.
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Re: Is Magnesium citrate safe for long-term use?

Postby missy moo » 04 Jan 2019, 00:05

Abu my stools were perfect with the magnesium oxide but yesterday and today they got harder again it's so upsetting I'm going to keep with the oxide and tidy up my diet a little and see if I can go back to perfect before I switch to citrate I got some from online so it's ready to go when I am
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Re: Is Magnesium citrate safe for long-term use?

Postby Abu » 04 Jan 2019, 05:56

You will never be able to control the consistency of all BMs. Ever! There will always be times when it will be harder than usual. This is why you need to build strength in the tissue slowly but steadily.
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Re: Is Magnesium citrate safe for long-term use?

Postby John667 » 04 Jan 2019, 10:21

Abu wrote:You will never be able to control the consistency of all BMs. Ever! There will always be times when it will be harder than usual. This is why you need to build strength in the tissue slowly but steadily.

How do you do that?

I feel like it is so tight, like there is a muscle cramp or something. Even when BMs are soft, it's still very tight.
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Re: Is Magnesium citrate safe for long-term use?

Postby Abu » 04 Jan 2019, 12:01

Manual dilation. You stick your finger in there and carefully move it round and round while pushing very gently on all sides as to enlarge the passage. You do this while consciously relax the muscle - you will feel the ease of pressure on your finger, trust me.
Of course, this is only if you can support the finger, so there should be very little AF pain - close to zero. And, you use vaseline, coconut oil, Manuka honey or any cream that you want - the purpose is not to rub and increase friction, on the contrary. The purpose is to force the tissue to become more flexible and support larger BMs.
It works with patience - aka months to a year of practice.
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Re: Is Magnesium citrate safe for long-term use?

Postby John667 » 04 Jan 2019, 12:36

Abu wrote:Manual dilation. You stick your finger in there and carefully move it round and round while pushing very gently on all sides as to enlarge the passage. You do this while consciously relax the muscle - you will feel the ease of pressure on your finger, trust me.
Of course, this is only if you can support the finger, so there should be very little AF pain - close to zero. And, you use vaseline, coconut oil, Manuka honey or any cream that you want - the purpose is not to rub and increase friction, on the contrary. The purpose is to force the tissue to become more flexible and support larger BMs.
It works with patience - aka months to a year of practice.

Wouldn't work. A finger is too big and there would be too much pain. Is there any other way to relax the damn muscle? I mean: it wasn't so tight before, so why is it that tight now?
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Re: Is Magnesium citrate safe for long-term use?

Postby Abu » 04 Jan 2019, 13:21

Because of the AF, it is a vicious circle. This is why LIS was invented, to break the circle - relax the muscle so the AF can heal. The AF itself causes the spasms and the muscle tightens. This is controlled by the autonomous nervous system - to the best of my knowledge, only a handful of people on Earth are able to control that, and only on specific circumstances (see the Iceman for example).
Botox also helps because it freezes the muscle and it cannot contract anymore. Maybe you can try this, I have no experience with it whatsoever.
GTN ointments were also designed for this, and also Nifedipine. These are calcium blockers which should assist with muscle relaxation, however, I am sure you tried them with not much success.

For me, keeping the stools soft for many months in a row helps with getting in a suitable position to start manual dilation. But we are all so different.
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Re: Is Magnesium citrate safe for long-term use?

Postby missy moo » 04 Jan 2019, 13:50

Abu and also if the stool tip is hard you recommend removing it manually right? Just wanted john to also know that incase he get that aswel I have thought about dilation alot there's even medical dilators you can buy that start as small as a pinky finger
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