by Abu » 04 Jan 2019, 13:21
Because of the AF, it is a vicious circle. This is why LIS was invented, to break the circle - relax the muscle so the AF can heal. The AF itself causes the spasms and the muscle tightens. This is controlled by the autonomous nervous system - to the best of my knowledge, only a handful of people on Earth are able to control that, and only on specific circumstances (see the Iceman for example).
Botox also helps because it freezes the muscle and it cannot contract anymore. Maybe you can try this, I have no experience with it whatsoever.
GTN ointments were also designed for this, and also Nifedipine. These are calcium blockers which should assist with muscle relaxation, however, I am sure you tried them with not much success.
For me, keeping the stools soft for many months in a row helps with getting in a suitable position to start manual dilation. But we are all so different.