This forum might be my only help... I have been to two local doctors who don't seem to know what to do about me, they have referred me to a CRS but he is booked out for a few days.
I believe I have a combination of hemorrhoids and an anal fissure. I had painful hemorrhoids the past week and yesterday while passing some stool a lot of it came out and a sharp shooting pain occurred which I believe was the fissure tearing, the next 12 hours was agony until it subsided and I could barely stand.
I am generally feeling fine now but cannot pass stool as whenever I try nothing comes out and it hurts a lot. I've not eaten much except for some high fibre fruits and metamucil etc
The doctors have prescribed proctosedyl and rectogesic, but they don't seem to be doing much. I've also tried painkillers to ease the pain but that doesn't work.
At the moment I am trying to fast and eat as little as possible in the hopes that the pain will stop and I can pass some stool eventually. I'm holding up okay but eventually I think I will need to pass stool.
I took a few photos, can someone please help work out what it is? I'm terrified of my next bowel movement as it is so painful.
I also noticed some yellow mucus in the photos, what is this?
Images here: