It’s a right pain in the ass

AF seems healed (hoorayyyy) but still lots of pain in my bottom

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It’s a right pain in the ass

Postby NikkiB69 » 13 Dec 2017, 14:48

Brief history - I had hemmeroid surgery Nov 2015, (paid to go private in the U.K.) surgeon accidentally left excess skin so did second procedure to remove that Jan 2016. (also private)
Subsequently left with fissure (my surgeon said he wouldn’t possibly have caused that! Haha of course he did!)
So now 2 years down the road and quite a few consultant and doctor visits later and A LOT of pain, I think the fissure is pretty much healed (Doc confirms) (yayyyyyy) but I’m having trouble passing a BM. It feels as though it gets stuck (even though I don’t think I’m constipated, vegetarian diet, lots of fruit, water, herbal teas etc) as though my anal canal is constricted/tightened/narrowed??
Very painful to push and worrying as I think this will reopen fissure or cause a new one!!!
Anyone with the same symptoms and have any advice what to do to ease the pain? Any idea what can be done without yet more surgery??
By the way, currently using GTN ointment and find warm water with healing salts helps and sitting on a hot beanie bag.
Thank you
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Re: It’s a right pain in the ass

Postby Ty-dye » 13 Dec 2017, 19:46

Do you squat when you go? I got one of those squatty pottys at target, best thing I could have got. Allows my BM's to basically fall out and I quit retearing and started healing. I'm surprised there isn't more talk about this on these boards in terms of healing. Kind of a goofy thought, and I would have laughed at anyone saying that before I had my fissure, but when I tore, I was desperate to try anything, and that worked the absolute best for immediate comfort and ease, and thus allowed me to heal.
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Re: It’s a right pain in the ass

Postby NikkiB69 » 15 Dec 2017, 09:04

Thanks. I’ve ordered one to see if that helps.
I think all the muscle in my bottom is bunched up and in spasm (?) after being in pain for so long..... And possibly scar tissue in my rectal canal causing bm to get kind of stuck?!?!
I’ve paid for surgery to get rid of painful hemmeroids and ended up with a painful ass anyway!!! Boohoo
Salt Bather
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