It's LIS, I have high resting pressure


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Re: It's LIS, I have high resting pressure

Postby sotiredofthis » 02 Sep 2014, 07:29

I was given hydrocodone but only took it twice at bedtime. I was too afraid of the constipation. I can't take ibuprofen as it really kills my stomach. I sometimes take Celebrex for my back so I just took that. Basically I just toughed it out. My only antibiotic was topical.

You're going to do great! You've been through hell already and you are stronger than you think!!!!! :smilyhug:
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Re: It's LIS, I have high resting pressure

Postby owmybum » 03 Sep 2014, 06:42

:smilyhug: :smilyhug: :smilyhug:
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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Re: It's LIS, I have high resting pressure

Postby sugarspice » 03 Sep 2014, 23:07

Hi Rach, how long to go now? I know it's Sept, but not sure of the date.

Ahh thanks JHH and Rach, I'm doing really well but don't want to post in the Success Stories until I have done everything I normally would have done before I got my fissure. The CRS reckons 3 months for it to fully heal xx
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Re: It's LIS, I have high resting pressure

Postby Rachael 1984 » 04 Sep 2014, 00:41

Hi Sugar,
My LIS is 17th Sept.... Not long. So glad you are doing well. How long did you have off work after LIS? Xxx
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
Ongoing pain/re-tears. Awaiting pressure test results.
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Re: It's LIS, I have high resting pressure

Postby sugarspice » 04 Sep 2014, 07:46

Ahh that's great! I am a full time mummy but I only needed help for a week, I was in no pain but I was extra careful, still had sitz baths all the time and rested as much as I could to allow the wound to heal xxx
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Re: It's LIS, I have high resting pressure

Postby Jbl22424 » 04 Sep 2014, 11:57

SS - word of caution, I'd give it more than three months. I re-tore after I started weaning from Miralax 3 months after LIS. I really wish I had waited 6 months. I thought I was fully healed as I hadn't felt pain since a week after surgery. Been a month now that things are hurting again.
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
Miralax - godsend
Nitro - some improvement
LIS (May 2014) - cured for 3 months then setback
Feeling better for now
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Re: It's LIS, I have high resting pressure

Postby sugarspice » 05 Sep 2014, 11:46

So sorry to hear that Jbl, I couldn't agree more and some great advice for Rachael. I am still 'very' careful, I am still on Laxido (although have dropped dosage) and I think about everything that goes in my mouth. I would say a year before totally healed xxx
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Re: It's LIS, I have high resting pressure

Postby Alyssa » 14 Sep 2014, 20:22


Just a few days until your surgery... Wishing you all the best! Good luck!
2/14 Fissure developed
3/14 Diagnosed w/ fissure given Nifedipine
4/14 Referred to Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy=Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
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Re: It's LIS, I have high resting pressure

Postby Rachael 1984 » 15 Sep 2014, 12:44

Thanks A! Xxxx

Well 2 days until my surgery, I've been lousy since last weds..... Achy back and neck, lots of knots, sore head and ears and feeling wiped out. Not sure if I have a virus, stress or both. Crap crap. I hope I can have the surgery. Xx need hugs
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
LIS performed on 17.9.14
Ongoing pain/re-tears. Awaiting pressure test results.
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Re: It's LIS, I have high resting pressure

Postby Savaici » 15 Sep 2014, 13:27

:smilyhug: :smilyhug: :smilyhug: to you Rachel.
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