It worked, but, um, underwear issue

Streak in underwear

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It worked, but, um, underwear issue

Postby ryan_mo » 29 Apr 2019, 20:42

I had LIS on April 12 (it's now April 29), and I've had very little discomfort since last week. I'm not feeling any pain from the surgery or from the fissure. I finally stopped bleeding about the middle of last week.

However, while I'm holding my bowels and wind just fine, I'm finding light stains in my underwear no matter how thoroughly I clean myself after using the bathroom (including a bidet).

I wouldn't call this incontinence, just skidmarks, but I'm like it to stop, obviously.

The doctor said 6 weeks to heal fully, so that's about a month more. In other people's experience, is this something I can expect to get better as I finish healing over the next month?

To be clear, I'd so the surgery again in a heartbeat. I was already wearing washable incontinence underwear to keep lidocaine and niphedipine off my pants, so this isn't a stretch. I just don't want buying new underwear once a month to become a feature of my life.
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Re: It worked, but, um, underwear issue

Postby chachacha » 29 Apr 2019, 22:44

Do you have new skin tags and a lot of swelling from the surgery? If so, even with a bidet, it can be very hard to clean around all of the nooks and crannies of those protuberances.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
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Re: It worked, but, um, underwear issue

Postby ryan_mo » 29 Apr 2019, 22:45

chachacha wrote:Do you have new skin tags and a lot of swelling from the surgery? If so, even with a bidet, it can be very hard to clean around all of the nooks and crannies of those protuberances.

Not that I can see or feel. Underwear when I leave the bathroom, clean 10-minutes later, not clean sometime in the next couple hours.
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Re: It worked, but, um, underwear issue

Postby chachacha » 29 Apr 2019, 23:39

I wouldn't be concerned this soon after the surgery, and I think that we've had other forum members experience the same problem. Hopefully, one of them will come by to let us know how things went for them.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
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