Itching 3 months post op?

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Itching 3 months post op?

Postby Deleted User 4903 » 16 Feb 2016, 09:53

I had a fistulotomy for a fistula and sphincterotomy for fissure Nov 6. I have done warm soaks every day since, even after being told I was COMPLETELY healed by my CRS Jan 13.

I continued warm soaks for another month, and have just stopped this past weekend due to a new job not giving me the time I usually had to soak. I still have a BM in the morning and shower immediately with my detachable shower head.

The past few days I have had trouble with little bits of what I will call stragglers coming out anywhere from minutes to several hours after showering. Sometimes this is followed by itching. Sometimes I am having this itching without any stragglers.

I have had no blood (for sure) and no pus or discharge (pretty sure). Is this normal? Could I have a new abcess or something forming?

I am getting worried because I just started this new job.
Deleted User 4903

Re: Itching 3 months post op?

Postby richibeno » 18 Feb 2016, 16:46

I think this is debris issue as you call it straglers ,
The area will still be sentitive still
I use warm water and wet wios to clean up and then shower head

Make sure you are dry,
I yse some sudocream after
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