its a fistula!

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its a fistula!

Postby val » 11 Dec 2007, 13:37

I've just got back from seeing the CRS and he said my worst nightmare-its a fistula. I've got to have the operation after Christmas. I'm totally terrified and cried for the whole journey home! Has anybody else had one?
Thanks! :( :(
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Re: its a fistula!

Postby juney » 11 Dec 2007, 14:12

that's horrible val! at least you know what the problem is for sure now, and you're going to have the operation to fix it. i think a couple other people have had fistula's on here, didn't dano just have that surgery recently?
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Re: its a fistula!

Postby buttgirl » 11 Dec 2007, 14:14

Dano just had one on Dec 4 I think. I'm sure he'll be along. You can read his thread under the the surgery heading.
what a bummer. minor ones are not really any worse than the abscess though. If my abscess opened to the outside (it just sat behind the skin and burst into the canal--the original site of infection), it would have been considered a fistula. The fistulas become problematic when there are multiple tracks or when they have tracked between the external and internal sphincter muscles.
I didn't have one but if I did I would ask for a fistula plug. I they just plug up the track with an antibacterial sponge and sew to openings shut--sounds so much nicer to me than laying open the fistula or the abscess. You can google fistula plug and there is a video of the plug operation. It is much nicer than the videos of the fistulotomy/ectomy operations and there is no cutting. In traditional surgeries, what they do is lay open the track to let it heal from the inside.
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Re: its a fistula!

Postby Guest » 11 Dec 2007, 15:32

I am so sorry, Val. Really and truly. I bet after the surgery you will heal so quickly though from the fissure and all of this.

At least we know what is causing your pain and it is definable and something can be done.

Re: its a fistula!

Postby val » 12 Dec 2007, 03:38

Thank-you, I know you're right, but the thought of having it done frightens the life out of me. The CRS said something about he hoped it wasn't keyhole complications, something like that, does anyone know what that means. He said that the fistula was where the fissure had healed over and made a bridge. I just hope it hasn't made tracks-how would you know?
How are you today Lecia? Are you feeling any better?
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Re: its a fistula!

Postby Guest » 12 Dec 2007, 09:24

I am glad they are getting you in quickly. Maybe they will listen to you next time. Gosh, these things just drag on and on I tell you.

I am going to see my 11th colorectal doctor today. I have a mass right outside my rectum that I am not sure if it is a hemorrhoid or the same skin tag or a complication of the last procedure. I just don't know what to think at this point. I am almost ready just to get them all removed.

How are you keeping yourself comfortable now? I am sure you won't have any complications and this is going to get you on the right track. I am sorry that is has turned into this though.

Re: its a fistula!

Postby Deleted User 5 » 12 Dec 2007, 09:27

Really, it is going to be alright. My understanding, from what I have seen from others on this board, is that the fistula surgery is not nearly as "risky" as the LIS, which I had. They won't be cutting your sphincter, just doing "repair" work at the actual site of the problem.
Relax, girl! It's gonna be OK and guess what, it's the beginning of the end of YOUR butt problems. I just know it.
Deleted User 5

Re: its a fistula!

Postby val » 12 Dec 2007, 10:14

Thanks Lecia and Kim,
Lecia, my God, you must feel as if somethings out to get you!I hope the surgeon you see today can sort it out once and for all-you've suffered far too long, its not fair! Does it hurt a lot?
Kim, they're gonna do the LIS at the same time as the fistula repair because the fistula is inside the original fissure, and he's going to cut it open-grrrr I've just spent the last 6 months HEALING it and he's cutting it again! I wonder now if I should have had the LIS when he told me to!
He said to carry on using the diltiazem, but my gp said not to as its infected, what does anyone else think?
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Re: its a fistula!

Postby Guest » 12 Dec 2007, 10:49

Yeah, I seriously think that is somekind of deathwish on my bottom going on.

I am glad that will just do both procedures and get you out of this limbo mess. I don't know what to advise about the diltiazem now that it is infected. Maybe just put it on once rather than throughout the pain.

The pain seems to be better overall though I am having to take lot of drugs for it. I hope they can help and it isn't a 2 hour wasted drive.

Hang in there! :leiamas:

Re: its a fistula!

Postby val » 12 Dec 2007, 10:59

A 2 hour drive must be the last thing you want at the moment, but I hope they sort it out for you.
What painkillers do you take? I have a stomach ulcer and the CRS told me yesterday I shouldn't take ibruprofen, but I've been taking them like sweets because they help!
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