July 2-surgery

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July 2-surgery

Postby Tanya » 26 Jun 2015, 10:45

Goog morning,
I will be have a surgery next week. ..
scared and worry. ..
It is start a year ago, it was painful but I thing is will be going away.A five week ago , I have alot ( it is ALOT of blood), I was scared and my husband bring me to the emergency room. After check up doctor told me it is probably fissure., and send me to the colon and rectal surgery group.The next day they g ived to me appointment , doctor was nice , but he can do anything ....it was to painful to do the check-up.
He g ived to me prescription for stool softener, Miralax,fiber and percocet, and some cream. , sitz bath.
After four week nothing change, my BM it is terrible, one day I have a diarrhea, next three constipation. .and again diarrhea, between this I have poop only blood, not alot , but like one ounce every two hours. Pain it is not going away at all,24/7.I can't sleep and I need to work during the day.
So doctor schedule a surgery, he dont know what he need to do, he said probably it is fissure, but he not sure, so he will check what is wrong and go from there, if he didn't found nothing, he said, probably we need to check for chrone ...
I am scared.
But I need to speak with someone.
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Re: July 2-surgery

Postby Mommaof1 » 27 Jun 2015, 13:29

I suffered for a year and half with blood and pain. The surgery was the BEST decision I ever made. It was quick and over before you know it.
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