Just about cured (I think) - my "solution"

Alternative therapy solution

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Just about cured (I think) - my "solution"

Postby AM001 » 27 Oct 2013, 10:23

I want to share with you something that I don't think has yet cured me 100% but has certainly eliminated 99% of pain. What I'm about to describe may not work for you but I hope it does.
I came across this site last year and then first (and only) posted a few months back on the old site. At the time I was really struggling with pain from anal fissures.
I originally got treated in an out patient clinic for haemorrhoids which were banded. The surgeon was fairly brutal and despite his suggestions to relax down there and that I was extremely tight, he ploughed on ahead. I am almost entirely certain this resulted in my anal fissure(s). Indeed, a referral to another surgeon who was hesitant to do another external exam suggested all my symptoms pointed to Anal Fissures.
In July it got to the point where after two years of pain (and a few doses of Diltiazem - which I eventually became allergic to) I decided to ask my GP (General Practitioner) to refer me to the surgeon again. I was at the end of my tether. I was taking several doses of paracetamol and co-codamol at work to ease the pain - I have an office job and sit down all day. Sitting down was like having a red hot poker shoved up your backside. Going to the toilet was like passing glass topped with razor blades. I had blood in my stools. I would sweat and be close to tears so surgery seemed the most likely path although I did not wish for it.
My local health authority is excellent and I quickly had an appointment for a surgical consultation. One day at work I decided to search for alternative therapies for anal fissures, I came across many which I'll describe below.
My magic ingredients:
Dr Wheatgrass SuperBalm

Vitamin B6

Multi-vitamin A-Z (as complete vitamin solution but not with seperate Zinc or B6)

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil


Germoloid Triple Action ointment - basically zinc cream and lidocaine

Germoloid Triple Action suppositories

Epsom Bath Salts
At first I tried Dr Wheatgrass's SuperBalm on it's own as it's meant to work wonders but it didn't for me so I decided to take a multiple therapy approach and so here's what I do:
Morning: (pre BM):
Multi-vitamin pill OR single B6 vitamin pill and single Zinc vitamin pill
Initially some Germoloid ointment on tip of finger and put inside rear end. Scrub hands and then same again but with some Vaseline. If you're in pain then the lidocaine from the Germoloid ointment will numb it and the combination of ointment and vaseline should lube the passage thus reducing tears (IMO).
Post BM: normally get a shower and perform daily routine of:
Dr Wheatgrass Balm
Germoloid Triple Action ointment
(Washing hands between applications of different creams)
If I'm sore I'll also put in a suppository. For me, the idea is to reduce irritation in the skin in that area as much as possible and reducing friction when doing a BM is one of the biggest ways.
3 months in, I can sometimes forget the pre-BM treatment and I'm 99% fine (normal) taking a BM.
Before bed:
Quick clean downstairs and fingertip of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in the rear - it melts quickly so not the best but meant to be really good.
In all honesty, things got better so quickly, I often forget to do this.
Once a week: Epsom salt bath
I do still get 'twinges' of pain and if I do I make sure I complete the full cycle of treatment.
My surgical appointment was in early-mid August this year. I described the pain I had been having to the surgeon and told him that I had been taking alternative treatment to avoid surgery. He asked out of 10 what my pain was before and now (I said before was a 9/10 and now it's 1-2/10). He said surgery wouldn't produce those results but advised of the surgical procedure should I need to come back (I hope I don't).
My route from 2years of pain to almost none was very quick (less than 2 weeks). Everything I'm using is over the counter and completely innocuous - I could use them forever if need be. I read that skin/scar tissue takes a year to get to 80% normal skin strength so I'll continue this until the 6 month mark. Ideally I'd ease off to only using the Vaseline once/twice day and then ease off that again.
I've got my life back. I treat myself in the morning and I'm fine. My BMs are largely pain free, there's no blood and no residual sting throughout the day. I can sit at work without pain. Although, as mentioned, if I do, I go all out: suppositories, the works.
My idea is that if I reduce friction down there then the skin can't get irritated thus allowing it time to heal. Over the months, this is proving to be true. Zinc and Wheatgrass Balm are great natural healers, as is Coconut Oil. The vitamins keep you healthy inside. These are just cuts - keep them clean and healthy and away from irritation and they should heal like any other.
This has (so far) worked for me and for the record, I've not changed my diet at all. I hope it works for you.
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Re: Just about cured (I think) - my "solution"

Postby rio » 27 Oct 2013, 11:20

I am so glad to hear such positive news. Thanks for sharing it. I too hope to find some cure in alternative approach, but it seems it is not working for me or I still have not find the right thing. I have so much pain and burning (my fissure is internal) and aloe, vitamin E oil, olive oil, and many other things did not bring relief. Specially designed suppoitories from pharmacy with hialuronic acid, aloe calendula and tea tree made to soothe and heal inflamed anoderm are not working for me and make more burning feeling (perhaps from the tea tree oil?).
I read how some people get cured by taking vitamin B6 and zinc in larger doses. I am taking zinc citrate 7 mg + vitamin C daily, but I have not noticed improvement. Could you tell me please:
- how much B6 do you take?
- how much and what kind of zinc do you take?
- do you put dr Wheatgrass cream deep inside? It is designed for external use, but people discuss about using it internaly. Does it still contains some tea tree oil?
And you mentioned that sometimes you use suppository. Could you please tell what kind of supp. is that?
Please forgive me that I am so curious about details. I am so desperate to make things right. My many attempts has not brought good results. Some of my experiments, for instance with medicinal honey and propolis ended with more and more pain and soreness.
Disabling burning, drilling pain in anal area for almost a year, started after UT infection. Small anal fissure diagnosed, turned out it is probably not the cause of pain, MRI shows no inflammation or fistula. Grateful to forum members for support.
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Re: Just about cured (I think) - my "solution"

Postby AM001 » 27 Oct 2013, 12:48

Both Zinc and B6 bought as off the shelf from Boots in the UK. Also got Sanatogen Multi-vitamins which contained Zinc and B6 so rotate between the multi-vitamin pill or taking a Zinc and B6 pill. Zinc (10mg) and Vitamin B6 complex which is a single tablet containing B1, B2, B3, B6, Folic Acid B12, Pantothenic Acid and Biotin. B6 is 1.4mg which is 100% RDA.

I have read about taking larger doses but as the pharmacist said, anything above 100% RDA is generally peed out.

I had internal fissure(s) so inserted middle finger to about the depth of my nail. I would advise reading the Dr Wheatgrass site (http://drwheatgrass.com/conditions/anal-fissure/Default.htm) but from memory he suggests putting some on the tip of your finger and inserting twice daily. Not sure of complete ingredients.

I found that internally it was too sore to go too far up but as long as the creams get in there they will get mushed about.

I also took the Wheatgrass supershots for 2 months: http://drwheatgrass.com/dr-wheatgrass-products/supershots-150ml. The body can fail to heal when it is run down and unfortunately you get really run down/depressed with anal fissures so it's a viscious cycle. I figured any good stuff I could get in me wouldn't hurt.

Suppositories were same as the ointment:

Ointment: http://www.boots.com/en/Germoloids-Ointment-55ml_1840/
Suppositories: http://www.boots.com/en/Germoloids-Suppositories-24-suppositories_1850/
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Re: Just about cured (I think) - my "solution"

Postby rio » 27 Oct 2013, 13:45

It seems that zinc works. I use baby rash ointment with zinc oxyde externally and this is the only thing that reduces inflammation for few hours. Thank you .
Disabling burning, drilling pain in anal area for almost a year, started after UT infection. Small anal fissure diagnosed, turned out it is probably not the cause of pain, MRI shows no inflammation or fistula. Grateful to forum members for support.
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Re: Just about cured (I think) - my "solution"

Postby owmybum » 31 Oct 2013, 03:15

Thank you for your great post!! I'm so glad you finally found relief naturally.
Did you say you had fissures for 2years?? Did you try any prescribed creams????
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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