Just had dialation

normal to be in pain/swelling?

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Just had dialation

Postby soey » 06 Jul 2015, 10:53

Hi! I had an anal dialation today (a minor one) instead of a second LIS. Hah now I've gone through 3 different procedures! Anyway, Is it normal to have pain and swelling? I wasnt prepared for this at all, and my mind Is going crazy(as normal). My fissure Is healed tho hurray! Just the skin thats superthin because of longterm use of steroidcreme (fu***** doctor Who misdiagnosed me) im hoping someone can give me some answers, couldnt Google my way through this :( and how bad Will my bm tomorrow be ?! I guess I didnt expect this much pain after dialation.. :thankyou:
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Re: Just had dialation

Postby msimon » 06 Jul 2015, 13:02

I have seen video of this procedure and it does look like it would cause a good deal of pain. I would think the recovery would be quick though given that you didn't have anything cut down there. That is so great that your fissure is healed! That is something to celebrate. As for the BM, make sure you have some pain meds in you for when it happens and breathe through it. Best wishes and keep us updated.
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Re: Just had dialation

Postby soey » 06 Jul 2015, 13:15

Thank you So much :) I cant watch a video of the procedure, think it Would make the pain even worse! How Will we live normally after dealing with this kind of pain? Im such a mental case right now.. hoping for the best, and I Will keep you posted on tings :)
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