by mamafizz » 01 Mar 2017, 19:50
Hello GG, just checking in to see how your doing and if you have a LIS date? Wishing you the best. It is about a month and a half since Botox, and the fissure area pain is much better. Primarily I have the muscles surrounding and higher up to the tailbone and surrounding muscles discomfort, sometimes intense but improving a bit. Thought I would share that even though a fissure is healed it can take 3 to 6 months to fully heal, and until then these symptoms will be ongoing with maybe 25% improvement per month> ?Its a weird pushing out feeling, I suppose that's still a form of levator spasm, which Dr said can be caused by a fissure and the chronic tension.
Most of the posts that have similar posts have not come back to report their success....shucks... I love reading those , I will be sure to post that report, as I am sure you will as well. Reading alot about the mind body connection seems to make sense, at least a reasonable approach. My daughters wedding is the first week of August so I have time to be back to good as new!! Can't wait. keep me posted...