Laser LIS in the UK?

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Laser LIS in the UK?

Postby AFsucks1980 » 06 Dec 2022, 14:29

Hi everyone,

I've been dealing with anal fissures for the past 5-6 years. I've tried everything, movicol, rectogesic, Botox, etc... Nothing solves the problem once and for all.
Speaking to one of the surgeon's I've been seeing he has finally agreed to perform an LIS. However, he said they don't use laser, doesn't know of anyone in the UK that uses laser and that laser is nonsense, it won't make a difference. I know he's the expert but I've read a few independent studies about laser LIS and they say otherwise... Also he says the risk of faecal incontinence is 10-15%, which doesn't give me much confidence...

If the LIS is performed in the UK it would be covered by my insurance. I have the possibility of doing it in another country, it would be laser but costs 4,000€. I would pay this to end this nightmare. But I guess my fear is spending so much money and in a few years have the same problem...

Does anybody know any CRS in the UK that performs LIS using laser?
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Re: Laser LIS in the UK?

Postby Danalope » 07 Dec 2022, 02:39

Not that I’m aware of, I checked the main Harley Street private clinic and they only seem to offer LIS. Do seem to be laser options for haemorrhoids but not fissure.

If you’re male & haven’t had surgery down there before I’d recommend what my Consultant said to me, go straight for the LIS and rid yourself of the fissure once and for all. I’m 3 weeks post LIS now & 99% pain free, can even wipe properly now, it’s amazing, go for it!
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Re: Laser LIS in the UK?

Postby Stormbreaker » 11 Dec 2022, 17:50

Hi Danalope,

I've also been struggling with a recurring fissure for 5-6 years but my surgeon's very reluctant to perform LIS.

Do you mind sharing the name of your surgeon please?

I'm at the stage where I just want to find a willing surgeon and put an end to this misery.

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Re: Laser LIS in the UK?

Postby Danalope » 13 Dec 2022, 12:31

Sure, it’s a Mr David MacArthur, a colorectal surgeon, operates in the West Midlands.
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