by TubDweller » 21 Jun 2019, 08:56
You are doing fantastic! Sounds like you're doing a great job of managing your pain and taking meds when appropriate. My circumstance was similar to yours (active lifestyle while suffering with fissure + external hemorrhoids). One recommendation though; try not to anticipate the pain too much. One thing I've learned is that pain has a very strong mental component. The more you anticipate it, the worse it seems. It's kind of like when you're running, it doesn't help to think about how far the finish line is :) In the first couple of weeks, it's kind of a lost cause, but as you get past that point, look for ways to distract yourself. I listened to podcasts, which really relax me as well.
There's no such thing as TMI on this forum. I'm sure that most of us here look at our anatomy in an entirely different way than non-sufferers. I know that as far as I'm concerned, my anus might as well be my big toe, haha :) When you've got to deal with the stuff we do, you don't have time for taboo. I don't know if you've seen the Marcia Cross interview where she talks about her anal cancer, but I'd highly recommend it. There's a point where she says, "anal, anal, anal" and then laughs, as she tries to get the point across that it's a body part. We can talk about it. It's OK :)
Not sure if you've hit this point yet, but next up will be the mucus discharge. It's a real fun time, always feeling like you have soggy britches. It's normal though. You've got this.
Side note: If your BMs are soft and happening daily, don't take too much laxitive. Talk to your doctor, but mine warned me of something called stenosis. Your anal canal actually needs some work while you're recovering, even though it's painful. Stenosis is a narrowing of the anal canal that can result from scar tissue formed during healing. The skin needs to stretch to prevent that, and loose stools won't do the trick. The target is natural peanut butter consistency, but believe me, I know how hard that can be to achieve. Once you're off the opioids and moving your bowels daily, ease off the miralax. The stool softeners are much more gentle.