Life after botox

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Life after botox

Postby flyingpineapple » 30 Oct 2017, 16:19

Hi all!

My botox is due for wearing off (and I think it's begun), and I've had some mild pain when passing a BM, with the ever so slightest touch of bleeding (literally a 2 mm spot on a tissue). The pain isn't that bad and a suppository deals with it just fine. I've also had a round of abdominal spasms from stress, that really gave me a lot of pressure in my abdomen. I saw my surgeon 4 weeks ago, he didn't examine me but he decided I was healing/healed up by my symptoms and how I was feeling so I've been discharged.

So I was wondering what people's experiences were after the botox wore off, and if what I'm feeling is normal and it'll eventually pass (or caused by the cramping) or should I think about going back to the doctor?

Thanks guys!
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