LIS at last

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LIS at last

Postby Mypoorbutt » 08 Nov 2016, 17:09

So today was the day....nervous doesn't even begin to describe it and I would like to say thank you to all the lovely members who helped and wished me well.
So was meant to have the op at 3...took down at 7:30 woke up well but am in pain not a lot but it's def there....can't take co codamol until I get home as they knock me out....literally.
Have not seen consultant but he will phone tomorrow apparently. I have had a closed LIS I think as there are stitches. Not bleeding much at the moment which is good.
Now I was made to eat before I leave and I understand why but with my colon issues I'm not pleased if I end up on the toilet lots tonight I will be coming straight back in for serious pain relief.
I'm glad it's over and am praying this will be the beginning of the end for my relationship with this abusive fissure.
Waiting for hubby to turn up and hoping it's quick as I really could do with stronger painkillers than blooming paracetamol lol.
Will be updating daily....I may bore you lol but writing this down does keep me partially sane...think of yourselves as mediators between me and that thing in my butt.
Fingers crossed I sleep tonight with no toilet trips
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Re: LIS at last

Postby Mr Fissure » 08 Nov 2016, 17:40

Aaw, well done, mypoorbutt!

So pleased to hear you were brave enough to see it through...

Get yourself home, rest up and hopefully you'll wake in less pain tomorrow and on the road to recovery! :cheers:

Looking forward to hearing your progress..

Take care
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Re: LIS at last

Postby fissure fuzzy » 08 Nov 2016, 18:17

Wishing you a speedy and pain free recovery!
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Re: LIS at last

Postby chachacha » 08 Nov 2016, 19:07

Congrats! I hope that you heal quickly and fully.
Fissure since about 2007
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Re: LIS at last

Postby Mypoorbutt » 09 Nov 2016, 05:27

Thanx everyone.
Well I had a much better sleep than I expected...helped by 2 co codamol. Five hours with just a bit of pain. Took another cocodamol at 7ish this morning as I knew I had to go out to get some pads.

So the first night was better than after the Botox and I'm not in as much pain as after the Botox too...just hoping it continues this way. So went to get the pads and the car journey was uncomfortable as was walking round the shop but again there is NO way I could even have contemplated getting in a car 12 hours after I had my Botox. Thankfully Back in bed now as it was starting to really ache by the time I got home.

Unlike most of you my fissure was caused by way too many trips to the I have decided to not eat until Friday as I really don't want that added worry. But to try and stave off any possible constipation I will not be taking my loperamide.

Was advised by discharge nurse not to have a sits bath for a few days....has she had a fissure I wonder....May leave it for today but will be getting them tomorrow.
Still very little bleeding so far, and pain level is only a 6 if I move going up to a 7 and only a 4 when laid in bed. I'm expecting it to be a bit worse tomorrow and the day after so will see what happens.

If it gets worse I have no doubt I will be typing on here like a drowning swimmer clinging to a life raft.

Thanx again guys x
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Re: LIS at last

Postby Mr Fissure » 09 Nov 2016, 14:30

H mypoorbutt

Great to hear you had a good nights kip and that the pain levels are already manageable.

Interesting too that it's less painful than Botox. Food for thought for me, understand you have to go under general for both, so can't really see the point in going the Botox route firstf/when I eventually bite the bullet..?

Reading your final sentence, the fact you've not been back on here today, hopefully means your day's been relatively 'plain sailing' too! ;-)

Take care and good luck!
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Re: LIS at last

Postby Mypoorbutt » 09 Nov 2016, 15:30

Hi mr f,
Yes the pain hasn't gone above a 6 but with the help of painkillers has mainly been a 4. I'm sure that will increase soon especially once I have a BM but I'm grateful for now lol
Yes the Botox was significantly more painful I had to have sits baths that first day and couldn't get comfy at all even in bed. Today I have even laid on the sette once I recovered from my trip to the shop. I really don't see the point in Botox unless your dr is certain it will heal you or your fissure is so long they want some healing before the LIS. I will see how the recovery goes as after week 2 I was very happy with the affect of the Botox to be honest.
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Re: LIS at last

Postby Mypoorbutt » 10 Nov 2016, 03:21

Well yesterday was better than expected...managed another decent sleep last night on just 2 co codamol. Pain seems to be staying at mainly a 4 with painkillers it does increase a bit if I start to move around eg up and down stairs taking kids breakfast, but still a lot more comfortable than day 2 after Botox.
So do I eat my slice of bread and tiny bit of soup today or tomorrow....decisions decisions lol.
Think I will be starting my sitz baths today although I'm worried about rocking a boat that isn't hurting too much...but also want to make sure it doesn't start to hurt more.
Hate not being able to sit on my butt as laying on my side gets quite uncomfortable....there is no way I'm risking sitting yet though accidentally laid on my back last night which certainly was not a pleasant experience.
Well that's me for now....hopefully until this evening as long as not pain lol.
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Re: LIS at last

Postby fissure fuzzy » 10 Nov 2016, 09:50

Glad you're not in too much pain. My instructions stated to start sitz baths the day after surgery. I was in so much discomfort of the day of surgery that I called the on-call doctor and asked if I could start sitz baths that day to which she replied "yes of course". She stated "the only reason the instruction said to start sitz baths the following day was because that's the same time the instructions said to pull the dressing off if it didn't bother you to leave it on the long".

I would say if your pain is tolerable and you're comfortable stay the course you're on but the baths gave me tremendous releif.
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Re: LIS at last

Postby Mypoorbutt » 10 Nov 2016, 12:57

Hi ff,
No the pain has been tolerable to be honest just taking paracetamol and a few cocodamol when it gets a bit bad. Although it's not really gone above a 6 but I haven't had a BM yet so I'm assuming it's going to escalate quickly after the first BM.
I can tell the cut was on the left hand side as it hurts if I lay on my left and my left buttock is quit sore.
May have a sitz bath tonight but not sure if the heat will swell my hems up so might wait until I need too...after a BM...
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